Forum Discussion

hantaeyung's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

what is fragment number on netbackup?

180px_ 프래그먼트 넘버.PNG

Hello, i am a beginner netbackup engineer living in South Korea.


English Please understand, even poor.


what is fragement number mean?


and why this minus number? minus number what's mean?


please help me to understand!!

  • Thanks for the TN Riaan. Looks like it may be an AIR fragment: "In 7.1 and later, a fragment number of -2147482648 denotes it is an AIR fragment. "
  • Netbackup break backups into fragments, in order to handle data , lets say backup is 200 GB and youre fragment size is 50GB, then Netbackup will break the backup into 4 fragments.

    A additional fragment may be added for TIR backup (When "collect Tru Image Restore data"  is checkmarked in the policy).


  • It indicates that the FRAG is a TIR (True image restore). Nothing to worry about.



  • Thanks for the TN Riaan. Looks like it may be an AIR fragment: "In 7.1 and later, a fragment number of -2147482648 denotes it is an AIR fragment. "
  • Thanks to Riaan.Badenhorst and Marianne !


    sorry about image.. that expansion is useless..


    Then, there is also a 1 or 2,3,4,5 numbers.


    This number is probably the same as the netbackup status code?

  • No, those are actually the fragment number, your IMAGE is made up of 5 Fragments (pieces), 1 - 5.