Forum Discussion

Gigabyte's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Where all Java console logs are saved ?

Hi All,

Forgive me for bad English !!

If I run any reports in Activity Monitor ,at the backgroud it will execute some commnds on master server and will save in some log file.

Please tell me which file the logs (running report,killing job,making drive down etc.) will be recorded ??

If that log files are not available, how to create to record any user activities in Java Console ??

  • Following comment is In /usr/openv/java/
    "jnbSA -lc" is equivalent of setting printCmdLines true.
    But  the comment here does not mention to debug logs. It seems command lines are logged into jnbSA's log(/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/nbjlogs/*.log, by default) - not into debugs logs.
    jnbSA's log does not include date and time, so we can not know when cmds fired.

    ## The printCmdLines property when set to true will print the netbackup/bin
    ## netbackup/bin/admincmd and volmgr/bin cmdlines used by the GUI to its
    ## log file. It will only print the cmdline with its arguments (i.e.,
    ## no output).
    ## NOTE - The GUI doesn't always use the cmdlines to get data or update
    ## data. It has some protocols that instruct its application
    ## server to perform tasks using NetBackup and Media Manager APIs.
    ## The GUI will be using fewer cmdlines in future releases.
    ## Instead of setting the following to get these cmdlines printed to the
    ## log file, an alternative on supported UNIX platforms is to start the GUI
    ## with -lc cmdline option. This will effect only the one instance of the
    ## GUI. This is not available on the Windows platforms. On Windows
    ## platforms, this file will have to be modified, uncommenting the following
    ## line.
    ## NOTE - There is no relationship between printCmdLines and printcmds
    ## (see above) properties. In other words, both will function as
    ## documented if set to true.
    ## This property is of no use for debugging communication
    ## issues between the GUI and its application server.

2 Replies

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  • Hello 

      Your  question is pretty unclear. 

    a. What is the netbackup version you  have.

    Well On unix environment. i.e.  if your master server is  unix then you can using the following procedure to track some activities 
    Done on java console .

    For certain administrative commands you may be able to determine what was run by reviewing the log in
    but this would only provide the approximate time the command was run not who ran the command. Note that the commands
    require root or administrative rights to execute them which also prevents indicating a particular user ran the command.

    Secondly, you can edit the   file on the master server ( Make sure to backup the file before editing ) , /usr/openv/java/

    Uncomment the line #printCmdLines=true

    Then create the following  directories on The Master Server  at the location /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/
    a.  bpjava-msvc
    b. bpjava-susvc
    c. bpjava-usvc

    Once Done  you can tail -f these logs and should be able to  track lot of activities from the java console.


  • Following comment is In /usr/openv/java/
    "jnbSA -lc" is equivalent of setting printCmdLines true.
    But  the comment here does not mention to debug logs. It seems command lines are logged into jnbSA's log(/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/nbjlogs/*.log, by default) - not into debugs logs.
    jnbSA's log does not include date and time, so we can not know when cmds fired.

    ## The printCmdLines property when set to true will print the netbackup/bin
    ## netbackup/bin/admincmd and volmgr/bin cmdlines used by the GUI to its
    ## log file. It will only print the cmdline with its arguments (i.e.,
    ## no output).
    ## NOTE - The GUI doesn't always use the cmdlines to get data or update
    ## data. It has some protocols that instruct its application
    ## server to perform tasks using NetBackup and Media Manager APIs.
    ## The GUI will be using fewer cmdlines in future releases.
    ## Instead of setting the following to get these cmdlines printed to the
    ## log file, an alternative on supported UNIX platforms is to start the GUI
    ## with -lc cmdline option. This will effect only the one instance of the
    ## GUI. This is not available on the Windows platforms. On Windows
    ## platforms, this file will have to be modified, uncommenting the following
    ## line.
    ## NOTE - There is no relationship between printCmdLines and printcmds
    ## (see above) properties. In other words, both will function as
    ## documented if set to true.
    ## This property is of no use for debugging communication
    ## issues between the GUI and its application server.