Forum Discussion

Jim89's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Where we need to enable Bpfis log



My question is where we need to enable the bpfis log inorder to trouble shoot. I cam to know from the administrator guide that it should be enabled in the backup  Host

In our Infra we are running the backup of the Esx host through the media server "X". So do i need to enable in the media serve through which the backup is running or in the master


Your reply is greatly appreciated




  • The machine that is configured as ,Backup Host' for Vmware backups is where bpfis log must be enabled.

    If  media server X is configured as Vmware backup host, then you need to create the folder under netbackup\logs on the media server.

4 Replies

  • The machine that is configured as ,Backup Host' for Vmware backups is where bpfis log must be enabled.

    If  media server X is configured as Vmware backup host, then you need to create the folder under netbackup\logs on the media server.

  • In the logs folder just create another sub-folder named: bpfis
  • Open your VMware policy and go to the vmware tab.

    Check the backup host entry. If it has a specific server in it, then this is the server that you have to open the logs. If it says "all media servers" then go to the media server and open the logs.


  • Thanks all forthe quick response. Really Appreciated