Forum Discussion

Ivy_Yang's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

why can;t remote media server from nbemmcmd?


NBU master: CentOS 5.9, NBU7.5.0.6,hostname is lx0034nbumast

NBU media server: CentOS 5.9, NBU7.5.0.6,hostname is


we need to remove this media server, and I thought it is done. now the media server has already been reinstall OS but today I find that it still shows up in the output of "nbemmcmd -listhosts" from NBU master

Can someone show me how to remove it ?

[root@lx0034nbumast ~]# nbemmcmd -listhosts |grep 24 

[root@lx0034nbumast netbackup]# nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -emmname lx0034nbumast -machinename -machinetype media
NBEMMCMD, Version:
Command completed successfully.

[root@lx0034nbumast netbackup]# nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename -machinetype media
NBEMMCMD, Version:
The function returned the following failure status:
the media is allocated for use (199)
Command did not complete successfully.


by the way, we backup the data to emc datadomain , so no tape libary, no tapes, no robots, and there is no STU related to this media server

10 Replies

  • Check output of 'nbrbutil -dump' to see if any resources are assigned to this media server.

    Use bpimagelist to see if any images are linked to media server. something like:
    bpimagelist -idonly -server <media-server>

    Last thing to try is nbdecommission.

    If all of the above fail to cleanup media server entry, you will need to log a call to ask for sql script/command to clean out orphaned emm entries.

    Best to get your master on a supported OS first...

  • [root@lx0034nbumed01 ~]# nbrbutil -dump

    Allocation Requests
    (AllocationRequestSeq )

    (AllocationSeq )

    MDS allocations in EMM:

    [root@lx0034nbumed01 ~]# bpimagelist -idonly -server ===>no output

  • we have 9 NBU master running with CentOS....

    if migration, that will be huge work.................frown


    I opened several Symantec cases, no support mentioned this compatibility issue.

    and we newly deployed around  4 NBU masters within half year, they are all CentOS so as to be consistent with the other environemnts............~~~~~>_<~~~~~~~~~``

  • Have you tried nbdecommission yet?
    Seems you will need to log a call to get orphaned emm entries removed.

    About master server on CentOS - have you checked the OS CL?

    There is obviously good reason why Symantec only supports this OS as media server...

  • I would not recommend even thinking of continuing to run your environment on CentOS master - they will not be supported (sorry but out of my control) and in the event of some major issue you risk losing everything, because, even with best efforts, if the OS is unsupported there are some things that cannot be fixed.

    If you have 'legal' reasons to hold backups / financial data etc .... you are running a major risk and would most likely not pass any audit requirements.

  • thanks for your reminder

    we put this on our task list already

    will consider to migrate

    but it is huge job since we have serveral NBU masters running with CentOS


    need a good plan for this

  • and we happen to build a new NBU master in the new DC next week

    I select oracle linux this time since Redhat is not free.

    this is a beginning for us to change..........

  • I select oracle linux this time since Redhat is not free.

    'Not free'  is normally linked to good levels of support from OS vendor. ​Do you really want your master servers on OS for which there is limited or no support?

    Please check the foot-notes in the SCL carefully about supported versions of Oracle Linux....

  • I have been using nbdecommision and I am delighted to find that it actually works. KUDOS to symantec for creating a utility that does so many functions in one simple command line. I still wake up at night in a stupor going over in my mind a 6.0 decom. LOL