Forum Discussion

Volker_Spies1's avatar
10 years ago

Windows 2012R2 MSCS Installation Steps

Hi NetBackup Forum,

I try to Figure out the correct steps to install a NetBackup cluster Master Server in an MCSC enviroment.

I was able to configure the cluster an install NetBackup on the active Node, unfortunately the Setup was not able to psuh the installation to the scecond Node, so I need the steps to install a MCSC clustred master server manually. The documentation states there is a manual way but does not give detailed steps.

So i assume:

Install NetBackup Master Server on the active Node, this step will create the cluster and install the NBU DB on the share disk.

Do I have to switch the resource to the second node and install that node the same way, or can I just install the second node without switching the resoureces over?

Can someone suplly the steps needed to install a Windows MCSC Master server cluster without pushing the files to the second node?







  • Have not tried on Windows 2012, but on Windows 2008R2 the installation process was

    1. Install NetBackup on the active node

    2, Install NetBackup on the inactive node, choosing add node to cluster

    Be aware you might have to disable some of the security features for the installation to work, we had to change DEP to windows essientals only, stopping the anti virus and montoring services on the machines and disable UAC

9 Replies

  • Hi Michael,

    thanks for your suggestions.

    The problem seems to be that the setup routine does not recognize that there is already an MSCS cluster with a working netbackup package installed, so the setup can not add a second node to the cluster.

    Symantec support is involved in this right now, I will post the outcome here.





  • Have you confirmed that basic cluster config was done in MSCS and that cluster comms is working between the 2 nodes?

    I have not done this with MSCS, but with VCS it works like this:

    Install cluster sofware and configure the 2 (or more) nodes in the cluster.
    Verify cluster comms between the 2 nodes.
    Install NBU on node1 which will create Cluster Group (Service Group in VCS).
    Install NBU on node2 which will recognize that this node is part of a cluster and offer to add node to existing cluster.

    The process may be totally different on MSCS, so I am curious to know the outcome of your Support call...

  • Hi Marianne,

    yes, the cluster config is complete and I can installt the first node, the installation created the netbackup package in MCSC and evythig seems ok. The services come up, I can start the administration console and connect to the Master Server via the cluster name and IP.

    But the setup was not able to push the installation to the second node.

    So I decided to install the second node manually, I switched the cluster package to the second node, the setup told me that there is a working MSCS cluster but setup is not able to find a preconfigured netbackup package!

    It's the same when I start the setup again on the first (working) node, so right know I'm not able to add a second node to the already working cluster, because setup does not find the MSCS netbackup package.



  • Think you can only add an inactive node to a NetBackup Cluster as there has to be an an active node to attach to

    We had a similar issue under NetBackup 7.5 until we disabled the security things

  • Have not tried on Windows 2012, but on Windows 2008R2 the installation process was

    1. Install NetBackup on the active node

    2, Install NetBackup on the inactive node, choosing add node to cluster

    Be aware you might have to disable some of the security features for the installation to work, we had to change DEP to windows essientals only, stopping the anti virus and montoring services on the machines and disable UAC

  • I agree with Michael. 
    This is how it works with VCS cluster as well.
    NBU installation on node2 is done while the Cluster Group is online on node1.

    My concern is that it failed when you tried the push install.
    Have you tried to find out the reason for the failure?
    If all security issues have been checked as per documentation and Michael's excellent advice, there should be no reason for push install to fail.

  • Hi Marianne & Michael,

    that's exactly what I did. The cluster was active on node1 and I started the setup on Node2.

    But setup was not able to find the active cluster.

    Btw. Symatec supports has recommended to completly deactive IPv6 on both nodes via reg key.

    I will try that and post the outcome.



    The push instalation failed due to some errors with WMI, but I didn't have a deeper look, because I tought to install the second node manually would be the best way to circumvent the push errors.

    When disabeling IPv6 does not work either I will try and  reinstall with everything security and monitoring related turnd off.







  • Hi,

    short update. Problem is solved.

    I was able to push the installation after I turned off all HP and SCCM monitoring service on the second host. Thanks for that advice Michael!

    But after the successful installation on both nodes, the second node was missing as a master in EMM DB, insted the second node was listed as a media server. :(

    So I deleted the second node via nbemmcmd and added it back as a master.

    The installation seems to work now, did several test backups/restores on both nodes.

    My conclusion is that the NetBackup installation on a MCSC cluster is not that great. You have to rely on the setup routines, when setup fails there is not much you can do manually and there is not much in any logfiles that can help.

    But nevertheless, thanks for your excellent help Marianne & Michael
