Forum Discussion

Jeff_Tank's avatar
9 years ago

creating reports to list top 7 failed jobs

In the main Monitor overview page for OpsCenter there is a report showing the top 7 policiesby failed jobs, I would like to be able to create a similar report but can not find a canned report I can modify to do that. We have the full version with Analytics enabled but I am no SQL programmer. Does anyone have a report they created I can us?



1 Reply

  • Hi Jeff, you can try this one.

    dj.policyname as 'Policy Name',
    dj.statusCode as 'Status Code',
    count(dj.statuscode) as 'Failed Jobs'
    FROM domain_jobarchive dj
    WHERE DATEDIFF(hour,UtcBigIntToNomTime(dj.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 24
    and dj.statuscode not in (0,1)
    group by dj.statuscode,dj.policyname
    order by 3 DESC

    Regards Morten