Forum Discussion

nbritton's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

DBA Reports

Does anyone else have SQL DBA's asking for reports that show what databases have failed durring a backup.   I am being asked to provide a report that will show the db that failed, not only the server, or instances but the database.

How is anyone else handling this?

4 Replies

  • I did end up finding a table that may assist.  I am currently trying to do some testing.  That table is : nb_JobDbInstanceArchive


    I am expecting this attempt to look at all children jobs.


    My current script is :


    B.friendlyName as 'Master Server',
    A.clientName as 'Client Name',
    A.policyName as 'Policy Name',
    A.policytype as 'Policy Type',

    LIST( DISTINCT A.statuscode) as 'Status Code',
                (       select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' 
                        from   domain_JobArchive CKP
                        where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND
                                  CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND
                                  CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND
                                  CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND
                                  CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND
                                  ( CKP.statusCode = 0 OR   CKP.statusCode = 1  )  ),
                (       select  UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(BKP.endTime)) as 'Last successful'
                        from   domain_JobArchive BKP
                        where BKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND
                                  BKP.clientId = A.clientId AND
                                  BKP.policyId = A.policyId AND
                                  BKP.policyName = A.policyName AND
                                  BKP.policyType = A.policyType AND
                                 ( BKP.statusCode = 0 OR   BKP.statusCode = 1  ) )
    FROM  "domain_JobArchive" A , "domain_masterserver" B , nb_JobDbInstanceArchive
    A.masterServerId = AND = A.parentjobid AND
              DATEDIFF(hour,UtcBigIntToNomTime(A.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 24
    (         select  DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful'
                        from   domain_JobArchive CKP
                        where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND
                                  CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND
                                  CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND
                                  CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND
                                  CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND
                                  CKP.scheduleType = A.scheduleType AND
                                  ( CKP.statusCode = 0 OR   CKP.statusCode = 1  )  ) > 0 AND
    A.statusCode not in (0,1,190,199,230,239,240,800,1000) AND
    A.policyName NOT LIKE 'SLP_%' AND A.type IN (0,22,28) AND
    A.scheduletype not in (-1,2) AND
    A.policytype = '15' AND = nb_JobDbInstanceArchive.jobid AND A.masterserverid = nb_JobDbInstanceArchive.masterserverid AND A.clientname = nb_JobDbInstanceArchive.clientname
    Group by A.clientName,A.masterServerId,A.policyName,B.friendlyName,policyType,scheduleType,A.clientid,policyid,dbname
    ORDER BY B.friendlyName, 'Days since Last successful';

    output to c:\data\output\result-test.txt;

    • nbritton's avatar
      Level 4

      no i have not gotten a query to work well yet.

      • nbritton's avatar
        Level 4

        Apparently this is a known issuie and is currenlty being adresses as an eeb.    With SIPs the data is supposed to be in that table, but is not.  The eeb should correct that.