Forum Discussion

mj100's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

hi can some please help with a report to show growth on a indavidual master server

Hi All,

thianks in advanced for all your help and comments

i am trying to put togather an OpsCenter report to show the growth on a indavidual Appliance master server (one of many in my enviroment) over the last year -- this is so i can see how much it is growing and possably forcast future growth so i can plan ahead for adding shelfs and not wait until the last moment.




1 Reply

  • You should be able to look at the growth of the appliance in the Web GUI. Go to https://<appliance name> in a web browser. Once you are logged in, go to Manage-> Storage. 

    If that isn't what you are looking for, could you give some more information.