Forum Discussion

StarSister's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

OPscenter & reporting on server 'groups' ?

I do not have analytics. I require to find a way to create a common name theme between my servers to allow them to be reported in groups. The current naming conventions mean I have sets of servers that all have different names. Therefore, I cannot see one 'set' of servers on a single report - as there is no common denominator.


Can anyone advise on how this might be achievable, and if so, how?


All ideas gratefully received :)

  • Create a Custom View...

    You can create a custom view to group them together within OpsCenter.

    You can create the view 1 of 2 ways... 

    View Java View Builder - see DOC

    or via the WebUI

     - Log into OpsCenter 

     - Click on Settings / Views / ADD

     - Set the View Type to Master Server

     - Provide a Name / Description of your View

     - Click OK to Save

     - Put a Check in the Box for the new view, and click Manage Nodes and Objects

    - Click on the Objects not in Selected View

    - Check each box for the master(s)  you want to group together, and click Add to Node

    - Click on the Objects on Node to verify the masters are now in the selected view

    - Click Finish

    Once your view is created, you can modifiy most reports to use the new Master Server View Created and report on data associated to only that / those master servers added.

9 Replies

  • If you had OpsCenter Analytics, you could try assigning a word or phrase (SAS Servers, Oracle Servers, Marketing Clients, etc.) in the NBU Policy Keyword field.  Then you could use OpsCenter Analytics' filters to include the policies that use a specific keyword, or leave that field empty and use the Report On field to compare the groups to one another in a single report.

    I don't know of any other way you might accomplish what you are looking for with Opscenter.

  • Ron, thanks for that. I am pretty sure I won't be getting the analytics part. Are you aware of something called 'aliases' I am trying to see if this is what might help - but I am also searching to see whats involved in setting that up?



  • inn_kam, thanks for the link. I already have reports being created but I can't see a way to 'group' them into their owners.

  • Create a Custom View...

    You can create a custom view to group them together within OpsCenter.

    You can create the view 1 of 2 ways... 

    View Java View Builder - see DOC

    or via the WebUI

     - Log into OpsCenter 

     - Click on Settings / Views / ADD

     - Set the View Type to Master Server

     - Provide a Name / Description of your View

     - Click OK to Save

     - Put a Check in the Box for the new view, and click Manage Nodes and Objects

    - Click on the Objects not in Selected View

    - Check each box for the master(s)  you want to group together, and click Add to Node

    - Click on the Objects on Node to verify the masters are now in the selected view

    - Click Finish

    Once your view is created, you can modifiy most reports to use the new Master Server View Created and report on data associated to only that / those master servers added.

  • Tom, sending huge virtual hugs for you - this is exactly what I need :)



    This also let's me assign 'views' to users, showing them only their servers that they own, and also overcoming another of my queries on another thread which let's me group servers together in reporting - based on those set views (namely week at a glance)


    Huge huge thanks to you :)

  • I am creating views, but what's become obvious is that my opscenter is not able to show all clients in the 'view manage nodes' window- however I can see the clients there when I choose to run a report. I have a case ref logged with symantec and will update here with my findings

  • StarSister,

    The WebUI does have its limits! :) 

    I would recommend using the Java View Builder - it is way more useful for creating views.

    It is included on the OpsCenter Windows 7.5 installation media.

    You must install the base 7.5 version on a Windows host (x86 application) however can be installed on x64.

    Then patch to the same version of OpsCenter as installed on the server...


    OC                       Java View Builder

    7.5       --------->        7.5 ----------->


    It does require a little intuition, and reading the guide, however, it will be much easier then the WebUI.
