Forum Discussion

elanmbx's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Running OpsCenter on a media server?

I have been cautioned against running OpsCenter on a media server... but am wondering if that caution is justified?  I have a nice, big, beefy Intel server on which I'm running Windows that should have *plenty* of resources to handle load.  Is anyone running their OpsCenter instance on a media server?

Thanks for any guidance/experiences that you might be able to share!


4 Replies

  • The problems I experienced had nothing to do with the load on the server.  It was compatibility with some of the support services (VX.....can't remember now) that get installed with OpsCenter.  OpsCenter was using the same authentication programs, but they had to be a different version that the one in NBU, and they were installing in the same location which then broke NBU.

    Best Practices for OpsCenter once recommended that OpsCenter be installed on a different server than your NBU servers.  I haven't checked with the new version, but I can't think it would have changed yet.

    We are running it on a VM and have no problems with the load on the host.

  • Mike

    The requirements for installation will vary depending on the version of OpsCenter you are installing and the size of your environment.

    If you are using the latest version (7.1.x) and only monitoring a single master server, Symantecs; recommendation is to install OpsCenter on the master server or media server to achieve the best communication with the NetBackup environment.

    If OpsCenter is monitoring mulitple master servers then it is advisable to be on a separate physical/virtual server.

    I have had an OpsCenter installation running on a NetBackup Master server in a test environment that was resource limited and put through its paces and didn't experience any compatability issues, just performance lag which was expected.

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    I have 2 Master server with Netbackup 7.1. Is it possible to install OpsCenter 7.1 on one of the master servers and still be able to monitoring both of them?



    Communication / Data Collection / Performance Issues

    Symantec OpsCenter 7.1 Administrator's Guide


    See page 91 
    ■ Installation of OpsCenter server software on a NetBackup master server or
    media server is possible if you want to monitor only one master server. An
    example is the master server on which the OpsCenter server software is
    To monitor more than one master server, Symantec recommends that you
    install the OpsCenter server software on a separate standalone server.
    More information on sizing guidelines is available.
    See “About OpsCenter sizing guidelines” on page 94..
    ■ The OpsCenter Server must be at an equal or higher version than the NetBackup
    master server version that it monitors. For example, OpsCenter 7.1 can monitor
    all NetBackup master server versions between 6.0 MP7 and 7.1.
    ■ If you plan to upgrade both NetBackup master server and the OpsCenter Server,
    it is recommended that you upgrade OpsCenter Server before upgrading the
    NetBackup master server. By upgrading OpsCenter Server before the NetBackup
    In practice, installing OpsCenter on a Master server is not recommended.  
    Due to the following reasons...
    1) A separate instance of ASA / Sybase will be running in addtion to NetBackup (CPU / Memory / Disk IO performance concerns)
    2) Upgrading OpsCenter or NetBackup could impact shared services such as, Authentication, Private Branch Exchange, NBSL, etc...
    3) History of Support Cases show installing OpsCenter on a Master or Media server eventually lead to moving or reinstalling OpsCenter on another host. (Non-Media or Master NetBackup-Server)
    For additional information on minumum / recommended requirements for OpsCenter, please refer to page - 94
    ■ If NetBackup and the OpsCenter Server are installed on the same system, Symantec
    recommends that you run no more than 5000 NetBackup jobs daily. If the number
    of NetBackup jobs that run daily on the master server is more than 5000, Symantec
    recommends that you install OpsCenter server software on a separate standalone
    system .