Forum Discussion

trectenw's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Unable to Delete Master Server

I am running OpsCenter Analytics  I am unable to delete a decommissioned master server.  I do:




Select the master server for deletion.

Click Delete


Once done, I get a message saying, Operation Completed. The OpsCenter console may take some time to show the updated status.  However, the server is never deleted.  I've waited days, I've restarted OpsCenter completely, I even defragged the DB... it will not go away.

Is there any SQL I can run in the report view to remove it cleanly?



7 Replies

  • I have installed and facing the same issue. I was able to delete 1 of 4 masterserver even it has shown as deleted. After  restart (take notice that the restart is taking very long as i think it is just recovering what has been deleted before). I didn't open a case as it was on my test system but the behaviour is the same on

    As far as i can remember is one different step that i have made is a backup after deleting the master. This master did not appear also after a restart.

    If you open a case i would be interested on the solution.


  • I have a similar issue; I have an old Master Server marked as "retired".  I have tried to merge it back into the current Master Server usingthe obkect merger and it says it works; then 12 hours later it's back again.

    Despite saying it has worked I think the change fails and it rolls it back which is the same as you see when you stop and restart OpsCenter.

    I'm running v7.5.0.3 and about to apply the v7.5.0.4 patch.


  • If you have still the same issue, here how it can be done manually, which did not work for me; perhaps to much data as query complaining 'to many temporary tables' when i run the below DELETE statement: -> -> --snip -- Stop all OpsCenter services except for the database service Backup the current OpsCenter database: C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\bin\dbbackup.bat \ Connect to the OpsCenter database with dbisqlc List existing master servers with the following command: select * from dba.domain_masterserver View the results and note the ID of the master server to be deleted Delete the master server with the following command: delete from dba.domain_masterserver where id=nnnnn (where nnnnn is the ID of the master server to delete as noted in the previous select statement) When the delete command finishes, commit the changes commit Exit disiqlc Start the OpsCenter server and webserver services Login to the OpsCenter GUI and confirm that the master is now deleted. --snap --
  • @thesanman You can not merge 2 master servers like this in opscenter.Are the 2 master servers you trying to merger pointing to same host ? If yes , than can you verify if the one that shows connected ( status1) has all the data from past colected by the one that showqs retired (status 5)? If yes, then you can deleted the master srever with status Retired and keeo the one that is conencted. Deeps
  • They are the same host; I upgraded my Master Server to new hardware and imported the catalog so the install is new.

    Problem is if I delete the "retired" host all the long term data gets deleted as well.

    I'm just waiting for 12 months and then I'll delete it.  The data is no use to me after that anyway.

  • Did you add the master server to opscenter Or Opscenter to Master server before you recoverd the catalog on Master server ?