Forum Discussion

Shweta_Naresh's avatar
10 years ago

Symantec Cluster Server (VCS) 6.1 for Windows: Encrypting VCS agent passwords and user passwords

When you edit the VCS "" configuration file to perform any of the following tasks, you must encrypt the user passwords and the VCS agent passwords:

  • Add VCS users
  • Configure agents that require user passwords

You can use the vcsencrypt utility to encrypt the passwords.

To encrypt the user passwords, type the following command:

vcsencrypt –vcs

To encrypt the VCS agent passwords, type the following command:

vcsencrypt –agent

The VCS 6.1 for Windows release introduces a mode to generate a security key to create more secure passwords, for VCS agents.

By default, security key-based encryption is not enabled. To generate a security key, you must add the "SecInfo" cluster attribute to the file, with a security key as the attribute value.

By default, only administrators can generate security keys.

Note: You can perform security key-based encryption only using the CLI. The service group configuration wizards do not use security keys to encrypt the agent passwords.

For more information about encrypting the agent passwords using security keys, see:

Encrypting agent passwords using security keys

Generating a security key  

Encrypting the agent password

VCS documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.


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