Using third party Multipathing with VCS LVM agents
Using third party Multipathing with VCS LVM agents is mostly not clear in the documentation. With SF, you can understand why 3rd party Multipathing needs to be tested to be supported as SF integrates at a low-level with the storage and multipathing effect this, but with VCS, VCS integrates with LVM at a high level, activating and deactivating he volume groups (equivalent to importing and deporting Veritas diskgroups), so it is first unclear why any 3rd party multipathing software should not be supported, except for perhaps O/S multipathing which is tightly integrated with LVM where the command to activate or deactivate the diskgroup MAY be different if multipathing is involved.
For AIX, the HCL specifically mentions VCS LVM agents with third party Multipathing:
The VCS LVM agent supports the EMC PowerPath third-party driver on EMC's Symmetrix 8000 and DMX series arrays.
The VCS LVM agent supports the HITACHI HDLM third-party driver on Hitachi USP/NSC/USPV/USPVM, 9900V series arrays.
but VCS LVM agents are not mentioned for Linux or HP-ux - these should be, even if this is to say "no third party Multipathing is supported with VCS LVM agents"
In the Linux 5.1 bundled agents guide, it IS clear that no third party Multipathing is supported with VCS LVM agents:
You cannot use the DiskReservation agent to reserve disks that have multiplepaths. The LVMVolumeGroup and the LVMLogicalVolume agents can only beused with the DiskReservation agent, Symantec does not support theconfiguration of logical volumes on disks that have multiple paths
No fixed dependencies exist for LVMVolumeGroup Agent. When you create avolume group on disks with single path, Symantec recommends that you use theDiskReservation agent
In case of Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing, the LVMVolumeGroup and theLVMLogicalVolume agents can be used without the DiskReservation agent