disk doesn't show up
Hi Team,
With regards to above change was implemented last week end, Change of the ports (Removing the old ports, adding the new one).
SAN end the new ports has been added & old one removed, after this some of the Disks were failed the after rebooting the server volumes came on line (Drives which failed at this time L: R: S: T: )
But the Backup volume did not come online Hard disk 5 Shows as disconnected. (Rescanned, reactivated disk) did not help
After this issue old ports added again, still the hard disk shows as disconnected. Reactivated the san provisioned HDD 05 but same isuse
Today we disconnected same drive with help of SAN team & reconnected it tried reconnected still the issue remains.
Request you to help me to fix this storage drive problem.
Hi jjustgood,
Please let us know if you have things working again.
It sounds like you may have done this operation DMP installed/used on this server. Having multiple paths to the storage without DMP can cause corruption of data and diskgroup configuration. I don't know if this is exact what the problem is but I would guess that the private region got corrupt if you do not have DMP installed.
If you have not fixed this issue by now, I would recommend that open a case with Symantec Technical Support so that we can help you get this back to a running state.
Thank you,