Forum Discussion

raghu_amilineni's avatar
16 years ago

Dynamic Multipathing in Windows or on Solaris ?


I have a small doubt regrading choosing Operating System when using veritas (DMP).

I have been using it on solaris, where i always kept using command line.It was nice using command line.
It gave me more number of options to get information regrading each and every thing I need ( for example,, controller information, array information , enable/disable path and lot more to perform ). 

Now I started using SFW5.1 DMP option which has a pretty good GUI.As I am not intrested in using GUI, I go only for CLI . When I started using CLI, I felt it was purely different from using CLI on solaris.Commands which I used for Solaris were different from windows (may be operating system dependent).

Many features which i used in solrais were not seen Windows. Is it that an operating system made a huge impact on the usage of DMP option in Veritas product.

Could some one please answer this!

Thanking you,

RaghuDeep Amilineni

  • Operating system accounts for a part of the differences between the Solaris and Windows products. DMP on Windows is built around the Microsoft MPIO framework and and uses Device Specific Modules to communicate with storage arrays, while DMP on Solaris is uses Veritas Array Support Libraries (ASLs) and Array Policy Modules (APMs) to communicate with the storage array. As such, there are some features and functionality available on the Solaris platform today which are not available in Windows (and, to a lesser extent, vice versa), accounting for differences in availability of commands and, in some cases, how a command available in both platforms produces different results.

    We continue to work towards parity between UNIX and Windows where possible. Are there specific commands which you are concerned about?

2 Replies

  • Operating system accounts for a part of the differences between the Solaris and Windows products. DMP on Windows is built around the Microsoft MPIO framework and and uses Device Specific Modules to communicate with storage arrays, while DMP on Solaris is uses Veritas Array Support Libraries (ASLs) and Array Policy Modules (APMs) to communicate with the storage array. As such, there are some features and functionality available on the Solaris platform today which are not available in Windows (and, to a lesser extent, vice versa), accounting for differences in availability of commands and, in some cases, how a command available in both platforms produces different results.

    We continue to work towards parity between UNIX and Windows where possible. Are there specific commands which you are concerned about?
  • Hi Jeffrey,

    I wanna thank you  for the perfect answer you gave!

    A weeks ago when i tried to obtain inforamtion of Array Port , i was not able to get.

    same was the case when I tried to obtain HBA Controller information likw pWWN and WWN.

    since I am new to this product., I am not sure whether VSFW5.1 provides such information through any means.

    Thanks in Advance,

    RaghuDeep Amilineni