Forum Discussion

pguerrero's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Extend system/boot voume

I'm unable to extend my system/boot volume using SF 5. Presumably due to the original disk being basic then converted etc. Is there another product that can accomplish this or a workaround?



Dell PERC 4/SC array
204GB RAID 5 disk, 190GB free (contig. after existing volume)
Windows 2000 SP4 server

  • BTW, is this SFW 5.0 with or without RP1a or RP2?

    If it is SFW 5.0 or 5.0 RP1A, there is a known issue with boot/system partition expansion.
    It has been fixed in RP2 update and if lucky, it may allow you to expand afterwards.

    Technote -

    RP2 also includes many other fixes so it is usually recommended regardless. =) (32bit RP2) (64bit RP2)
  • Although SFW can expand system/boot volumes, it does have some scenarios where it may not as it's not just any volume.
    I don't know of any other software which is able to expand our dynamic volumes unfortunately.
  • What are thos scenarios? The error message I get is V-76-58645-208 Could not allocate contiguous space or partition. When I look this up the only references it comes up with talk about mirroring. My system/boot volume is the only volume on a 200 GB disk.

    I'm interested in ANY method (other than backup/restore via tape), even if offline
  • While the message that shows up as a pop up is the above, the messages pane at the bottom, shows this detail:

    7/10/09 10:17:58 AM EDT
    dynamic disk and volume class
    Brief Description:
    Failed to resize volume \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\FileDg0\Volume1.
    Failed to resize volume.
    Recommended Action:
    You might have an application that is still using this volume. Please close all applications and try again.
    Other Properties:

    I've stopped antivirus, Diskeeper, VxCache and Backup Exec agents. I'm not aware of any other app (other than underlying Windows processes). The above code is not found on the knowledge base
  • Here are the 3 reasons mentioned in our Admin guide:

    ■ A boot or system volume cannot be extended unless there is enough contiguous
    space after the volume for the desired extension. If you have another volume on the disk,
    you cannot use space before that volume and after that volume for the extension.

    ■ If the extension of a dynamic boot or system volume requires adjustment of
    an extended partition boundary, then the extension will not be allowed. The
    error message “Requested operation not supported” will be returned.

    ■ A boot or system disk volume that was originally created on a logical drive
    and later upgraded to a Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows dynamic
    volume cannot be extended in Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows.

    Hence we need to find out how that system/boot volume was originally created as there are certain limitations for such volume.
  • Windows OS has rules for the boot partition that SFW maintains.  One of these is that the boot partition must be cylinder aligned, the reasons for this I don't know, and they may now be historical only.  You can get details on cylinder alignment determination from this technote:

    Attempts to mirror the system disk fails with error, V-76-58645-208 Could not allocate contiguous space or partition.

  • BTW, is this SFW 5.0 with or without RP1a or RP2?

    If it is SFW 5.0 or 5.0 RP1A, there is a known issue with boot/system partition expansion.
    It has been fixed in RP2 update and if lucky, it may allow you to expand afterwards.

    Technote -

    RP2 also includes many other fixes so it is usually recommended regardless. =) (32bit RP2) (64bit RP2)
  • Thanks a bunch. Somehow I missed that RP2 was available and this proved to be the solution!