Forum Discussion

robert_abner's avatar
14 years ago

Symantec Storage Foundations 5.1 and evacuating disks

I have a two (2) node MS Cluster, each running Storage Foundations for Windows 5.1 and Windows 2003 R2.

the volumes within the disk groups are striped.

I am migrating to a new SAN and no longer need striping.  Am I able to evacuate each disk from a striped volume to a non-striped volume?

Or do I need to use mirroring within Storage Foundations to accomodate this?

  • The easiest way to do this is to mirror to new storage and select "Choose the layout" and choose concatenated.  When mirror is complete remove mirror on old storage.  All this can be done online.


5 Replies

  • The easiest way to do this is to mirror to new storage and select "Choose the layout" and choose concatenated.  When mirror is complete remove mirror on old storage.  All this can be done online.


  • If you decide to use vxassist to add mirror, add layout=nostripe to command.

  • Hi Robert,

    I would not recommend using evacuate disk option in your case as you will not do anything but move the subdisks of your striped volume to new disks.  In other words your volume layout/type will not change when using the evacuate option.

    Since this is SFW on Windows, you can easily add a mirror in the VEA GUI and the Add Mirror wizard will allow you to select the layout options of the new mirror plex. 

    There are some issues that involve the smart mirroring technology in SFW 5.1.  Before performing these operations, I would recommend that you upgrade to 5.1 SP2 and then check for any post SP2 TechAlerts to see what would apply to your situation. 

    There was just a post SP2 TechAlert that went out in the last two weeks that you should apply.  It contains all prior TechAlerts for similar subdisk move and mirroring operations. 



  • thanks for the responses

    as far as adding a mirror, am I able to add a mirror of larger size?

    I need to grow the volume on the server as well

  • Hi Robert,

    The mirror plexes need to be the same size.  However, you can expand a mirror if you have diskspace to add to all plexes (mirrored copies).  Or you can grow the volume after you remove the plex on the smaller disks.


