Forum Discussion

F_laurin's avatar
13 years ago

win2k3 & win2k8 get with CLI VSF information

We cannot rely on the GUI of VSF so i created a script to look for :

To check is SCCI3 is enabled.
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\vemcsymm\Parameters" /v SupportSCSI3 | find "REG_DWORD"
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\vhdsaa\parameters" /v SupportSCSI3 | find "REG_DWORD"


To check Failover (A/A or A/P) i use:
vxdmpadm dsminfo
Harddisk1    VHDSAA    HITACHI OPEN-V 50 0CFE8    Fail Over Only (Active/Passive)


vxdmpadm arrayinfo
Harddisk1    HITACHI OPEN-V 50 0CFE8    4    Fail Over Only (Active/Passive)

But is there a way to get by CLI the Array TYPE

Because i wish to get that information when running a .bat scipt, otherwise i have to use the GUI of Veritas Enterprise Adeministrator to look if:
HITACHI OPEN-V 50 0CF9F and look under : Array Type; Active/Active


Can we find this in the Registry ?

  • Hi

    The "vxdmpadm dsminfo" output provides this output.  You just need to translate the DSM being used to the array family that uses it.

    Here is what the two DSMs that you mention relate to.

    VHDSAA = Hitachi Array family DSM is being used.


    VEMCSYMM = EMC Symmetric family DSM is being used.



1 Reply

  • Hi

    The "vxdmpadm dsminfo" output provides this output.  You just need to translate the DSM being used to the array family that uses it.

    Here is what the two DSMs that you mention relate to.

    VHDSAA = Hitachi Array family DSM is being used.


    VEMCSYMM = EMC Symmetric family DSM is being used.

