Forum Discussion

RickyLeung's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Can VVR Support HACMP Environment?


2)ds5000 array


Want to use VVR to replication oracle data volume to DR site,but servers is running HACMP,won't use VCS....

My question is that VVR Supports HACMP Environment?If yes,can you share the docs or URL?





  • This is really a question for IBM.  Symantec support VxVM and VVR on AIX, so first you need to find out if VxVM is supported with HACMP and then VVR.  For VCS it is easy to find out if an application or LVM is supported - you just see if there is an agent and even if there isn't an agent you can use the Application agent or write your own agent - I suspect HACMP is not as flexible as this.  Also, really VVR should only be used where the distance is too far for host-based mirroring and at these distance you often need 2 separate clusters because the distance is too far for a single cluster, so you also need to find out if AIX supports linking 2 clusters (the VCS equivalent of GCO).

    My guess is that VxVM may be supported with HACMP, but VVR is probably not, but I am no expert on HACMP so you need to ask IBM.


  • Hi Mike,thanks for you reply.

    "Also, even though VVR will work with HACMP, I don't know whether it is supported by AIX HACMP."


    I can't find any docs about vvr with hacmp......

  • This is really a question for IBM.  Symantec support VxVM and VVR on AIX, so first you need to find out if VxVM is supported with HACMP and then VVR.  For VCS it is easy to find out if an application or LVM is supported - you just see if there is an agent and even if there isn't an agent you can use the Application agent or write your own agent - I suspect HACMP is not as flexible as this.  Also, really VVR should only be used where the distance is too far for host-based mirroring and at these distance you often need 2 separate clusters because the distance is too far for a single cluster, so you also need to find out if AIX supports linking 2 clusters (the VCS equivalent of GCO).

    My guess is that VxVM may be supported with HACMP, but VVR is probably not, but I am no expert on HACMP so you need to ask IBM.
