Forum Discussion

Giuliano_Rodrig's avatar
11 years ago

Licensing for point in time copy on Oracle RAC

In my organization we have Oracle RAC running on RedHat Enterprise Linux and need to create a policy of data protection with continuous data protection.
It is possible to do using only the Storage Foundation Enterprise for Linux or need additional products?
What is the difference of Storage Foundation Enterprise for Linux and Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC and Veritas Storage Foundation High Availability?
  • Question first.  You mention the phrase "continuous protection".  Do you mean snapshots, or, do you mean something else like the various continous protection products out there which track changes at the block level to create, for all intensive purposes, continous snapshots.


    If you need to snapshot Oracle RAC, then, your need SF for Oracle RAC.


    Regarding the three products you mention, appreviated SF Enterprise, SF for Oracle RAC, and SF HA.


    SF Enterpirse provides for storage virtualization including snapshots along with specfic enhancements for Oracle i.e. Oracle Smart Tier (storage tiering at the Oracle object level).


    SF HA Enterprise add clustering (VCS).  Perfrect for making single instance Oracle highly available. 


    SF for Oracle RAC adds specific code to interact correctly with Oracle RAC inlcuding Cluster File System.


    Onc can add Veritas Replicator (VR) to any of the above to provide for replication.

    One can add "DR" to SFHA ie SF HA/DR  or SF HA/DR for Oracle RAC to add wide-area failover capabilities.


    Hope this helps.

3 Replies

  • Hi Guiliano.


    Per your definition, neither SF nor VR meet those requirements.  SF and VVR can provide for snapshots and replication copies that are gauruanteed to be crash consistant.  One can use space-optimized snapshots using Storage Foudation to create point-in-time copies.   I have seen customers snapshot several times an hour and save a few days worth of snapshot and only needing a small amount of extra storage to accomindate the snapshots.  The extra storage needed depends on the data change rate.

    At this time, Symantec does not provide any product that meets the CDP definition. 



    That being said, please take the following into account.    These are just my opionions when dealing with such products before I came to Symantec:

    If you do implemet any 3rd party CDP solution, one must do so very carefully.   All Oracle data files along with redo and archieve logs must be protected together as a group to maintain database consistancy.   It is very easy to corrupt a database using CDP tools.  The other consideration is all other data feeds (the rest of the application Oracle is supporting)that the database is supporting.  How will you keep those synchonized?   This is usually done with some type of transaction broker, but is not as easy as you would think to implement correctly.  In general, CDP solutions also consumes quite a bit of storage.  Normmaly twice plus change rate.

    Another way to solve the problem is to use log shipping, and delay the applicaiton of the logs to the standby dadtabase by some delta. 



    Hope this helps.

  • Thank you very much Clifford,
    For tracking changes, not necessarily in blocks level, can be done with Storage Foundation or do I have continuous snapshots with SF for Oracle RAC and replicate with Veritas Replicator replicate (VR) ?
    I need a protect mechanism most compatible SNIA definition for CDP:
    "The CDP SNIA Definition
    Continuous Data Protection ( CDP ) is a methodology que continuously captures or tracks data modifications and stores changes independent of the primary data , enabling recovery points from any point in the past . CDP systems may be block- , file- , or application- based and can Provide fine granularities of restorable objects to infinitely variable recovery points . So , According to this definition , all CDP solutions Incorporate these three key attributes:
    1. Date changes are continuously captured or tracked
    2 . All data changes are stored in a separate location from the primary storage
    3 . Recovery point objectives are arbitrary and need not be defined in advance of the current recovery
    A number of technological approaches Recognized deliver CDP , including block- , file- , and application -based.
    Today , many vendors offer varying degrees of support and awareness of specific application and data environments . But regardless of the underlying technological approach Utilized , CDP can offer faster data retrieval , enhanced data protection , business continuity and Increased with lower overall cost and complexity . "
  • Question first.  You mention the phrase "continuous protection".  Do you mean snapshots, or, do you mean something else like the various continous protection products out there which track changes at the block level to create, for all intensive purposes, continous snapshots.


    If you need to snapshot Oracle RAC, then, your need SF for Oracle RAC.


    Regarding the three products you mention, appreviated SF Enterprise, SF for Oracle RAC, and SF HA.


    SF Enterpirse provides for storage virtualization including snapshots along with specfic enhancements for Oracle i.e. Oracle Smart Tier (storage tiering at the Oracle object level).


    SF HA Enterprise add clustering (VCS).  Perfrect for making single instance Oracle highly available. 


    SF for Oracle RAC adds specific code to interact correctly with Oracle RAC inlcuding Cluster File System.


    Onc can add Veritas Replicator (VR) to any of the above to provide for replication.

    One can add "DR" to SFHA ie SF HA/DR  or SF HA/DR for Oracle RAC to add wide-area failover capabilities.


    Hope this helps.