Forum Discussion

Ramesh_Kasiredd's avatar
11 years ago

DMP I/O error is disabling the NETAPP paths via DMP

For everty roo boot the VXVM volume is going to DEPORT state. I am importing it manually. I saw the below intresting logs on "dmpevents.log"       Thu Oct 10 16:53:56.317: Enabled Disk ar...
  • AlexeyL's avatar
    11 years ago

    It's possible that MPxIO and DMP interfere with each other. In my environment I tend to disable MPxIO for controllers/disks managed by DMP. Here is some info from Symantec about interoperability of MPxIO and DMP.

    Also if you could provide the following:

    1) mpathadm list lu

    2) vxdmpadm getsubpaths