Forum Discussion

anon1m0us1's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

NetApp & PST Error

I just upgraded to EV 10.0.1 and am I scanning my netapp for PST's. I added a bunch of shared exclusions, but is there away to exclude mountpoints??


Also, in th elog there is an error: ** 5/4/2012 3:27:02 PM Hard disk search failure on NetApp2: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Error accessing the file: \\NetApp2\C$\*.pst, error code: 5
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.Win32API.MapWin32PathErrorCodeToException(String path)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.VaultDirectoryInfo.GetDirectoryContents(Boolean getFiles, String sSearchFilter)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.VaultDirectoryInfo.GetFiles(String sSearchFilter)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.PstMigrationService.LocateHardDiskThread.LocatePsts(PstComputer pstComputer, VaultDirectoryInfo di)
   at KVS.EnterpriseVault.PstMigrationService.LocateHardDiskThread.Search(String computer) Error accessing the file: \\NETAPP2\C$\*.pst, error code: 5 **


What does this error mean? There is no C$ drive on a netapp device?

  • This TN also mentions what is needed:




    PST Migration and NetApp Filer Devices


    Previously, it was only possible to migrate PST files that were located on Microsoft Windows Servers. That is, neither the PST Locator Task nor the client-driven migration could locate PST files that were held on NetApp Filer devices, therefore, these files could not be migrated. Since the release of Enterprise Vault 6.0 Service Pack 3, it is now possible to migrate PST files that are located on NetApp Filer devices.
    Note: NetApp Filer snapshot folders (~snapshot) are ignored. Hence PST files in these folders will not be migrated.
    Although the PST Locator task automatically recognizes NetApp Filer devices, the automatic recognition does not work in the following circumstances:
    · The NetApp Filer device was found by a PST Locator task from a release of Enterprise Vault that was before SP3.
    · The NetApp Filer is switched off.
    This means that, when a NetApp Filer device has been found by the PST Locator task, you may need to edit the device's properties in the Administration Console to specify that this is a NetApp Filer device.
    Note: Log On Account needs to be member of the local administrator group on the NetApp Device
    To edit the properties of a NetApp Filer device:
    1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site and then expand Personal Store Management.
    2. Click Computers.
    3. In the right pane, double-click the name of the NetApp Filer device to show its properties.
    4. Click the Settings tab.
    5. Select This computer is a NetApp Filer and click OK.
    Note the following restrictions:
    · The PST Holding folder cannot be on a NetApp Filer device.
    · PST files cannot be migrated from a WORM share.
    This limitation currently applies to all version of Enterprise Vault including their latest Service Packs. Effectively, EV assumes that the path to the holding folder is a Windows folder, and therefore, uses a Windows API call to work out the real location. This call, therefore, is likely to fail to a NetApp.


10 Replies

  • Thats pretty weird, but error code 5 means Access Denied
    Anytime you see an error return like that, you can simply do 'net helpmsg 5' or whatever the number is

  • This ID only has access to scan the PST shares, and no other mountpoints. So maybe that is why it is denied.


    Is there away to exlude mountpoints?

  • Yep the VSA will need the equivalent of 'power user' rights, I think.  I needs to access those admin shares to work out 'true' folder paths.

  • The EV account has access to the shares since from my Windows Servers it is able to access the shares. However, I am still getting an error "** 5/5/2012 11:05:14 AM Cannot get full path name of PST on NetApp Filer SAN02: \\SAN02\Shared05$\EmailNY\jdoe\Archive General.pst : Cannot translate share name: No access permission error on call to NetShareGetInfo **"


  • It's not really about access to those shares. 


    It's the admin shares (or equivalent) ... it's c$, d$, etc.


    That's needed so we can get the absolute path - ensuring that we're not discovering or trying to migrate the same PST from two locations.


    The 'usual' way is 'power users', or 'local administrators'.. even if it's just temporary whilst you migrate.

  • Is there any document that my NetApp guys can look at that provides information on what access is required?


    ESIT*- My netapp guy wants the exact permissions that the account requires. They do not want to provide it local admin rights.

  • Well, the EV 10.0.1 Administrators Guide says :

    PST files on network drives for PST client-driven migration

    You can configure this facility to migrate PST files stored on Windows-based shares, and on NetApp Filers.

    To migrate PST files from a Windows share, the account that runs the Directory service must be a member of one of the following security groups on the file server:

    ■ Administrators

    ■ Server Operators

    ■ Power Users

    To migrate PST files from a NetApp Filer, the account that runs the Directory service must be a member of the Administrators group on the NetApp Filer.

    If you are using the NetApp Filer autohome feature, see the following technical note:

    You cannot migrate files that are hosted on:

    ■ Non-Windows file servers, other than NetApp Filers

    ■ NetApp vFiler devices running a version of Data ONTAP earlier than Data ONTAP 7.3

    ■ Distributed File System (DFS) shares


    That's the 100% supported way.  I am sure though that Power Users gives enough access to the admin$ shares.. so you could *try* that, but, the way forward is described above, and a DTRACE of the DirectoryService would show whether it is succeeding or not.

    Hope that helps,

  • I seem to recall some issues with NetApps and PST migration that required the account hitting the PSTs to have access through the entire path of the location on teh NetApp. I did a quick search and cannot seem to find it but I seem to recall that was an issue at some point. 

    I did find this which shows an excerpt from EV8 SP5's readme


    it was not answered but shows an example of two that will not work and one that does.


    Hope this helps. 




  • This TN also mentions what is needed:




    PST Migration and NetApp Filer Devices


    Previously, it was only possible to migrate PST files that were located on Microsoft Windows Servers. That is, neither the PST Locator Task nor the client-driven migration could locate PST files that were held on NetApp Filer devices, therefore, these files could not be migrated. Since the release of Enterprise Vault 6.0 Service Pack 3, it is now possible to migrate PST files that are located on NetApp Filer devices.
    Note: NetApp Filer snapshot folders (~snapshot) are ignored. Hence PST files in these folders will not be migrated.
    Although the PST Locator task automatically recognizes NetApp Filer devices, the automatic recognition does not work in the following circumstances:
    · The NetApp Filer device was found by a PST Locator task from a release of Enterprise Vault that was before SP3.
    · The NetApp Filer is switched off.
    This means that, when a NetApp Filer device has been found by the PST Locator task, you may need to edit the device's properties in the Administration Console to specify that this is a NetApp Filer device.
    Note: Log On Account needs to be member of the local administrator group on the NetApp Device
    To edit the properties of a NetApp Filer device:
    1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site and then expand Personal Store Management.
    2. Click Computers.
    3. In the right pane, double-click the name of the NetApp Filer device to show its properties.
    4. Click the Settings tab.
    5. Select This computer is a NetApp Filer and click OK.
    Note the following restrictions:
    · The PST Holding folder cannot be on a NetApp Filer device.
    · PST files cannot be migrated from a WORM share.
    This limitation currently applies to all version of Enterprise Vault including their latest Service Packs. Effectively, EV assumes that the path to the holding folder is a Windows folder, and therefore, uses a Windows API call to work out the real location. This call, therefore, is likely to fail to a NetApp.