Forum Discussion

12 years ago

Veritas Volume Manager 4_DG restoration


I have a node which is SUN E2900 where SUN storage 6130 is connected.Veritas volume manager was configured in that node.Server's internal hard disks were under VXVM.Apart from that other DG were created by using the storage disk.Now thing is that the server got completely crashed & I need to reconfigure the same from scratch.Please note that I have the explorer out put of the server.Now my question is that can I able to import the Dgs from the storage.Kindly suggest on this.


Thanks in advance.



8 Replies

  • Hello All

    For your Update. Unfortunately customer had a backup of 2011 which is in good condition acording to the customer. Tried with that one & restore the OS & all the application from there. After that import the dgs from the storage.Now the system is working fine with all application.

    Thanks all of you for your support.



  • Thank you once again Marianne & also to mike. I will update one the activity will done. May be in the next week as it totally depends on the customer now.



  • I agree with everything Marianne has said and in particular, I think you should install the latest version of SF you can.  The latest version supported on Solaris 9 is 5.1 SP1 RP3 and this version and the latest 6.0.1 version (if you can install Solaris 10) can import your version SF 4.0 diskgroups, so there doesn't seem to me to be any point in installing an old version, in fact 5.1 will probably install quickter and use less space as in 5.1 there was a major clean up and there are lot less packages.  Once you have install a later version and  are happy with it, you can later upgrade diskgroups and filesystems (this can be done online very quickly) and this will enable to use new functionallity introduced in new versions.


  • I would personally use the 'installer' script, rather than pkgadd.

    the installer utility gives you the option to check pre-reqs, will install all the required packages (based on your product selection, prompt for appropriate license key and gives you the option to 'configure' VxVM.

    Best to keep the installation guide handy - you will find sf_install.pdf on your installation media.
    (I don't have a copy to check location for you.)

    The rest of your steps look good.

  • Thanks Marianne for your support.. Following your suggestion I have made the below plan of action for the activity kindly find the same & suggest.

    Steps are as below after installing the solaris OS & required patches---

    1.Need to install the veritas volume manager pakages by pkgadd.

    2.Then give a reboot to the system.

    3.Then install the veritas volume manager patches.

    4.Need to install the licenses by--

    # opt/VRTSvlic/bin/vxlicinst

    5.Confirmation of LUNS from the format output.

    6.vxdctl enable.

    7.vxdisk -o alldgs list

    8.Then need to import the dg.

    Kindly suggest.


  • Install Storage Foundation from your installation media using your existing license keys.

    Download patches from  and install.

    Confirm that array disks/luns are visible in 'format' output.
    Rescan disks in VxVM with: 'vxdctl enable'
    List disk with 'vxdisk -o alldgs list'
    All of your disks should be visible in deported state.

    At this point you will be able to import diskgroups.
    Check filesystems and mount.

    You can then use vxdiskadm to bring bootdisk under VxVM control and mirror it.

    PS: Please consider upgrading your OS and Storage Foundation to supported versions?

  • Thank you Marianne for your reply.

    1.Version is 4

    2. I have the explorer output of the system. From there I guess i can restore the license nos.

    3.Solaris version is 9.

    Kindly suggest on this how to proceed.



  • You should be able to import your diskgroups.

    Do you know which version of VxVM was installed?
    Do you have the software and license keys to reinstall?
    Which Solaris version on the server?