Forum Discussion

Shakil_Qureshi's avatar
15 years ago

VXVM needs license ... please help

Dear all,

 i have installed VXVM 5.0 basic on my Virtual machine (Solaris 5.10)

when i tried to mount the volume,

i have received this error "UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount: You don't have a license to run this program"

is there any way out?

i was looking in a forum, which described to check
pkginfo -l VRTSvxfs | grep STATUS

complete install
ls -lad /devices/pseudo/vxportal                       it does not find these directories.... then i performed

devfsadm -v -i vxportal                                      it failed with exit status 1

  • That license key decoded as SF for Windows.
    When your virtual machine is running an Unix OS (Solaris), you would need a Unix license in the VM.
    That being said, SF Basic should not require a license, however there is a known issue with 5.1 licensing and the SF Basic. 

    From what I understand, in the storage media in the storage_foundation subdirectory, there is a file (hidden) named ".key".

    Do the following:
    cd <media_path>/storage_foundation
    cat .key
    Use the output (which is the SF Basic key) on the following command line:
    vxlicinst -k <key>
    Then rescan the license you just put in:
    vxdctl license init

    That should resolve any license related issue.

7 Replies

  • That license key decoded as SF for Windows.
    When your virtual machine is running an Unix OS (Solaris), you would need a Unix license in the VM.
    That being said, SF Basic should not require a license, however there is a known issue with 5.1 licensing and the SF Basic. 

    From what I understand, in the storage media in the storage_foundation subdirectory, there is a file (hidden) named ".key".

    Do the following:
    cd <media_path>/storage_foundation
    cat .key
    Use the output (which is the SF Basic key) on the following command line:
    vxlicinst -k <key>
    Then rescan the license you just put in:
    vxdctl license init

    That should resolve any license related issue.

  • Also .. when i what to install    vea   it is giving me this.
    VEA GUI is no longer packaged. Symantec recommends use of the SFM Console
    to manage, monitor and report on multi-host environments. You can download
    this utility at no charge from If you wish to
    continue using VEA GUI, it can be downloaded from the same web site.

    pkgadd -d VRTSsfmh_3.0.357.0_SunOS_arch_i386.pkg

    The following packages are available:
      1  VRTSsfmh     Veritas Operations Manager Managed Host by Symantec
                      (i386) 3.0.357.0

    Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
    all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1

    Processing package instance <VRTSsfmh> from </pak/VRTSsfmh_3.0.357.0_SunOS_arch_i386.pkg>

    Veritas Operations Manager Managed Host by Symantec(i386) 3.0.357.0

    Current administration requires that a unique instance of the
    <VRTSsfmh> package be created.  However, the maximum number of
    instances of the package which may be supported at one time on the
    same system has already been met.

    No changes were made to the system.

  • hello guys,

    i have am not getting any solution.  please help me out.

    i am using vmware workstation 7 . and solaris 10. vxvm 5.1
     and license is built in it.

    then why i am provoked for license when i am trying to mount a vx volume ?.   Veritas guys.. please help me out. ?

  • One other thought... when you say virtual machine, do you mean VMware virual machine, or  Sun's zone utility? If the latter, the configuration has some specific requirements which are discussed in the documentation. If the former, I have no further ideas right now.
  • Not a solution but a couple of observations.

    First, vxportal & fdd are VxFS components, not VxVM components.
    I suppose it is possible you have a bad license key. That is quite rare, however.

    Can you try 5.1? The license key behavior in 5.1 is quite a bit simpler, allowing for a keyless installation at least to get started; and if you only intend to run Storage Foundation Basic, you may not need an additional license key.
  • Dear i have some queries,

    1) i have installed license via

    2) vxlicrep

    Symantec License Manager vxlicrep utility version
    Copyright (C) 1996-2008 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Creating a report on all VERITAS products installed on this system

    vxlicrep ERROR V-21-3-1015 Failed to prepare report for key = NEZE-ECHN-XP68-KC4M-RO38-PP3P


    ./installer -configure

    Estimated time remaining: 0:02                                                                                      10 of 11

        Performing SF configuration ........................................................................................... Done
        Starting vxdmp ........................................................................................................ Done
        Starting vxio ......................................................................................................... Done
        Starting vxspec ....................................................................................................... Done
        Starting vxconfigd .................................................................................................... Done
        Starting vxesd ........................................................................................................ Done
        Starting vxrelocd ..................................................................................................... Done
        Starting vxconfigbackupd .............................................................................................. Done
        Starting vxportal ..................................................................................................... Done
        Starting fdd .......................................................................................................... Done

    Storage Foundation Basic Startup did not complete successfully

    vxportal failed to start on blade01
    fdd failed to start on blade01

    It is strongly recommended to reboot the following systems:

    Execute '/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i6 -g0' to properly restart your systems

    installer log files, summary file, and response file are saved at:


    root@blade01 # pkginfo -l VRTSvxfs | grep STATUS
        STATUS:  completely installed

    ls -lad /devices/pseudo/vxportal*
    /devices/pseudo/vxportal*: No such file or directory
    ls -lad /devices/pseudo/fdd*
    /devices/pseudo/fdd*: No such file or directory

    root@blade01 # devfsadm -v -i vxportal
    devfsadm: driver failed to attach: vxportal
    exit status = 1

    root@blade01 # devfsadm -v -i fdd
    devfsadm: driver failed to attach: fdd
    exit status = 1

    root@blade01 # vxdisk list
    DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
    disk_0       auto:SVM        -            -            SVM
    disk_1       auto:SVM        -            -            SVM
    disk_2       auto:cdsdisk    foris-dg01   foris-dg     online
    disk_3       auto:cdsdisk    foris-dg02   foris-dg     online

    root@blade01 # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/foris-dg/catalog-vol /vxvm
    UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-22168: Cannot open portal device: No such file or directory
    UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-25255: mount: You don't have a license to run this program
    root@blade01 # 

    8)  Also when i rebooted machine... it showed me some Warnings V-365-1-1 , kindly find it in attched Picture

    Will someone please update me, why i am not able to start VXVM in my virtual machine ?