Forum Discussion

noodleNT's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

BESR 2010 SP2 install stuck

I saw that SP2 was released for BESR 2010 through SIM. I kicked it off but now it is stuck at 64%. Been stuck there for the last hour and a half. Any ideas how to get it to move on?


23Oct2010 12:39:10.4437484 SIM Initialized metrics logging.
23Oct2010 12:40:22.3527596 SIM Wizard (Mode 'Update') Launched
23Oct2010 12:55:18.8871852 Summary BEGIN build migration package
23Oct2010 12:55:18.9028108 SIM BEGIN prepare package contents
23Oct2010 12:55:20.4341196 Summary BEGIN install
23Oct2010 12:55:21.3404044 NSServiceRestart BEGIN GetRegisteredServices
23Oct2010 12:55:22.4654476 NSServiceRestart END   GetRegisteredServices 00:00:01.1250000
23Oct2010 12:55:22.4810732 NSServiceRestart BEGIN stop services
23Oct2010 12:55:26.2468428 NSServiceRestart END   stop services 00:00:03.7660000
23Oct2010 12:55:26.2468428 IISRestart BEGIN stop IIS
23Oct2010 12:55:46.2632364 IISRestart END   stop IIS 00:00:20.0090000
23Oct2010 12:55:46.2788620 Install BEGIN install of Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution x86 (9.0.2) (symantec_backupsln_9_0_2.msi) 8c3b27eb-7cf1-43ba-9f3f-9fba4f12ee74 5ff68ae4-9cd3-492b-9d00-5990303ac3c7
23Oct2010 12:57:36.6737260 Install END   install of Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution x86 (9.0.2) (symantec_backupsln_9_0_2.msi) 00:01:50.3880000 8c3b27eb-7cf1-43ba-9f3f-9fba4f12ee74 5ff68ae4-9cd3-492b-9d00-5990303ac3c7
23Oct2010 12:57:40.7832588 Install BEGIN install of Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution - Language Pack x86 (9.0.2) (backupslnlp_9_0_2.msi) 3aa7c54d-74e0-4618-9a1d-f3de05026da2 19694e5f-927f-40c4-99a4-7e6c1e8cfc61
23Oct2010 12:57:44.4552748 Install END   install of Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution - Language Pack x86 (9.0.2) (backupslnlp_9_0_2.msi) 00:00:03.6680000 3aa7c54d-74e0-4618-9a1d-f3de05026da2 19694e5f-927f-40c4-99a4-7e6c1e8cfc61
23Oct2010 12:57:44.5334028 Install BEGIN install of BESR Package x86 (9.0.2) (besr_9_0_2.msi) 72f2a6d8-76fa-46ac-b17e-b1082e3e863e
23Oct2010 12:57:55.2056876 Install END   install of BESR Package x86 (9.0.2) (besr_9_0_2.msi) 00:00:10.6600000 72f2a6d8-76fa-46ac-b17e-b1082e3e863e
23Oct2010 12:57:55.2838156 Install BEGIN install of LOR Package x86 (9.0.2) (lor_9_0_2.msi) ced4bc71-8c18-4901-84c9-08917e901c62
23Oct2010 12:59:34.1469868 Install END   install of LOR Package x86 (9.0.2) (lor_9_0_2.msi) 00:01:38.8530000 ced4bc71-8c18-4901-84c9-08917e901c62
23Oct2010 12:59:35.0376460 SIM BEGIN write install history
23Oct2010 12:59:41.6316492 SIM END   write install history 00:00:06.5990000
23Oct2010 12:59:41.7722796 NSServiceRestart BEGIN stop NS services again
23Oct2010 12:59:52.1633036 NSServiceRestart END   stop NS services again 00:00:10.3800000
23Oct2010 12:59:52.1633036 NSServiceRestart BEGIN start core services
23Oct2010 12:59:55.3821772 NSServiceRestart END   start core services 00:00:03.2100000
23Oct2010 12:59:55.3821772 Summary END   install 00:04:34.9200000
23Oct2010 12:59:55.4290540 Summary BEGIN configuration
23Oct2010 12:59:55.4446796 SIM BEGIN creating and queueing configuration tasks
23Oct2010 12:59:56.5697228 SIM END   creating and queueing configuration tasks 00:00:01.1210000
23Oct2010 12:59:57.4916332 Configuration BEGIN running configuration task Configuring services...
23Oct2010 12:59:58.8198092 Configuration END   running configuration task Configuring services... 00:00:01.3280000
23Oct2010 12:59:59.2729516 Configuration BEGIN running configuration task Restarting core services...
23Oct2010 13:00:03.2574796 Configuration END   running configuration task Restarting core services... 00:00:03.9800000
23Oct2010 13:00:03.6637452 Configuration BEGIN running configuration task Configuring Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution...
23Oct2010 14:35:39.3996140 Configuration BEGIN running configuration task Configuring Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution...

  • Support suggested just letting the install run overnight to see if it would error out. However 11 hours later SP2 was installed! Not sure why it took so long but the logs show the update took 11 hours!surprise

7 Replies

  • Description: Configuring task 3 of 7: Configuring Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 Management Solution...


    It's just doing this over and over in the Altiris Logs.

  • I tried uninstalling everything and then installing SP2 again and it gets stuck in the same spot. crying

  • Support suggested just letting the install run overnight to see if it would error out. However 11 hours later SP2 was installed! Not sure why it took so long but the logs show the update took 11 hours!surprise

  • Do you use a remote SQL Server or a local msde ? My Installation through SIM is stuck at 66% :-(

  • I concure took 11+ hour to apply , but it did complete with out error

  • I was lucky, the whole update took "only" about 3 hours. One question how many Object have you imported into the Altiris Database ? The Symantec engineer I talked with said this behavior might be cause by a large Altiris database ? We have 30.000+ Objects imported from our AD.

  • Go to package update for the Plugin and replace the uninstall string to this:

    msiexec /x {188D3F99-68FC-4751-8304-9B7C389C78C5} /qn /l*v %TEMP%\BESRAgentUninstall.log

    What is in there doesnt work.


    I only have 1000 machines imported through AD but only 100 of them have NS7 agent installed. All the others are still managed by my NS6 environment.