Forum Discussion

Dialectric's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

Different Backup Job Per Remote PC

I'm using SSR 2013 and have 2 remote PCs that I want to backup at different intervals.

PC_A needs to be backed up every Thursday at 12:00

PC_B needs to be backed up daily at 12:00

I create backup jobs for both of these, but these seems to be shared between the 2 PCs.

If I select PC_A and only enable the Thursday backup, then that configuration is applied to PC_B as well.

How can I configure the PCs to use different backup jobs?

  • I'm assuming you are NOT using the Management Solution here?

    If not, the jobs should reside on each client machine so I cannot understand how are are seeing this issue. Could you explain the steps you are using when you see this issue?

  • Hi, no we're not using a Management Solution, just using a server with Symantec System Recovery installed.

    1. Open Symantec System Recovery
    2. Add a remote computer to the list
    3. Deplot the agent
    4. Restart the remote computer
    5. Select the computer from the Computers list, it connects and shows the status
    6. Tasks menu - Define New Backup and go through the wizard to setup the backup as required
    7. Then when I got to Tasks menu - Run or Manage Backups I see both backup jobs from PC_A and PC_B
    8. If I select PC_B I still see both jobs.
    9. On PC_B disabled Thursday backup it also disables it on PC_A when I switch back to that.