Forum Discussion

Richard_FDisk's avatar
15 years ago

Looking for Restore AnyWare instructions

I've got an older Win2K IBM craptop with BESR 6.52 installed that the HDD just bombed on me, this system is too old to bother fixing, because it has some other hardware issues also, Bad Keyboar...
  • Richard_FDisk's avatar
    15 years ago
    thanks for answering;

    I already have the same users and Admin. accounts on all machines but the workgroup name is not the default name
    so the SRD has no access to networked resources, all of the shares are inaccessable because the SRD uses "Work Group" and it can't be changed and my work group is not called "Work Group"
    Also, work groups don't work the same as a domain, there's no master admin account like the domain admin account on a domain, all user and admin accounts are local only user accounts in a work group, and only have access to the local system and  shared resources, (shared drives, folders, files & printers).

    The only 2 ways to solve it wirhout buggering up the rest of the network is to:
    a> pull the HDD out and pre-partition it with another machine and then put the backup image onto a logical drive of the extended partition and then delete the primary partition and reinstall it back into the system, and restore the system from the local copy of the image

    b> partition the disk, do a windows install, join the workgroup, move the image file to a logical drive on the extended partition, restart the system with the windows CD and delete the primary partition, then cancel the windows install and put the SRD into the drive and restore system

    both of these methods only work from start to finish, if the restore fails you can't just delete the primary partition again because the extended partition info doesn't show up in the recovery environment the second time around unless they're deleted and recreated starting from scratch every time

    "A" works best for a brand new replacement HDD and "B" is easier than pulling a disk that's already installed in the system, even though I could pull and partition and reinstall a disk in about the same amount of time it takes to get to the screen where windows wants the key on the COA..