Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Verbatim:-

    1. Download and extract to the C:\ root directory. Two files will be extracted: UninstallSSR2013.bat and LUReg.exe. Both files must be in the same location in order for the uninstallation to occur.
    2. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\.
    3. Run the following command from Windows Command Prompt :

      UninstallSSR2013.bat -I "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec System Recovery\"

      *The -I in the command line is case sensitive.
      *If you modified the installation path of SSR during the original install, modify the command above to reflect that same path. 
      Confirm that the folder is still present in the command line.  If not, create a new empty folder in that location with the name Symantec System Recovery. The uninstall cannot complete without this folder in place.

    4. Check if the following registry entry exists and if it exits, you must delete the entry.
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Installed Recovery Technology
    5. Reboot the system.
    6. SSR 2013 is now completely uninstalled.