Forum Discussion

Chz132's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Restore 2008 R2 Server w/SRD



I've been working on this all day yesterday and into this morning.

I am trying to restore a Server 2008 R2 image to different hardware.  So the process is I boot from the SRD disk, I go into diskpart and perform a clean on the drive I am restoring to.  I go to recover my computer and select System and choose the correct sv2i file.  Then I initialize the disk.  I then select only the reserved partition for now and deselect verify recovery point and restore anywhere.  I select Restore Master Boot Record and Set Drive Active and deselect the C: drive partition.  That restore performs fine. 

Next I do recover my computer again and select File --> and choose the v2i recovery point (tried 3 different ones).  Then I uncheck verify recovery point and select restore anywhere.  I select Restore original disk signatures.  I try the restore and a couple different things happen based on my selections with restore anywhere:

If I select to delete drives and prompt for drivers...the recovery goes to 99% and then says "Initializing" and never moves after that.  I waited for 5 hours at that 99% phase and it never changed. 

If I select just Use Mini Startup (can't remember the exact name) then the restore works fine, but then when Windows boots, it goes to Installing Devices Windows screen and then Bluescreens with "USBDISK0" driver error.  So I boot into Safe Mode to install drivers, but it goes to the Installing Devices Windows Screen in safe mode too and says it cannot proceed with installation in Safe Mode then reboots and repeats the other cycle.

Any idea what I am doing wrong here or any suggestions on what else I can try?

Thanks for any help,


  • Not sure why you are making so many changes/modifications to the restore options.

    If this is restore to different hardware, leave restore anyware enabled. If you are using the system (sv2i) option, you can restore everything in one hit. Just ensure that the system reserved partition is set active, everything else should stay as it is (no need to make changes). You can disable verify though, if you believe the recovery points are ok.

    Can you also confirm the version of the SRD you are using.

6 Replies

  • Not sure why you are making so many changes/modifications to the restore options.

    If this is restore to different hardware, leave restore anyware enabled. If you are using the system (sv2i) option, you can restore everything in one hit. Just ensure that the system reserved partition is set active, everything else should stay as it is (no need to make changes). You can disable verify though, if you believe the recovery points are ok.

    Can you also confirm the version of the SRD you are using.

  • Thanks for the reply.


    I did it based on this article:

    I always have BSOD or issues with the restore process never completing without errors when I try it the way you described.  So I did some research and found this solution to work most of the time for me. 

    I tried restoring this image to a C: drive the same way I was on this server and I was able to get that working today.  So there must be something going on with this server.  I will try it by just using the sv2i file to restore both the system reserved and C: partitions tonight and see if it works. 

    I'm using this version: SSR11.0.1.47662_AllWin_64bit

    I imagine doing a restore anyware that you would always want to bring up the hidden options to delete existing drivers and prompt for new drivers, am I incorrect in assuming that?  I would think you would want to start as fresh as you can with drivers on completely different hardware.

    Thanks again,


  • Well I would say you do not have to get into the three hidden options :

    Delete existing drivers , Run minisetup and prompt for the drivers until it is a Domain Controller.

    Also the only recommendation is to uncheck "Run minisetup" while restore domain controllers.

    I will prefer restoring the image using sv2i and keep the default hidden options while restore is this is a Standard WIndows Server 2008 R2.

  • Thanks for the replies.  It worked fine again on my laptop, but not on the server.  Must be something with the server itself.  I'll have to test out the hardware and see if there are issues with it.


    For now though, this discussion can be closed and I will mark your response as the answer.


    Thanks again

  • Thanks a ton for marking this as solved !!


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