Forum Discussion

IGSI_Support's avatar
12 years ago

SSR 2010/2011/2013 and restore anyware with UEFI

Hello, How to do to restore a server with bios UEFI on another server with classic bios I've tested with a ibm server(original) with hp server(destination) with differents options and the same result: Windows 2008 R2 Don't start Thanks for yours ideas
  • Hi,

    Cross platform restore (UEFI to classic BIOS or classic BIOS to UEFI) is not supported by SSR 2013.

    You can only restore Recovery Points from one UEFI server to another UEFI server.




5 Replies

  • This is not supported I'm afraid.

    You can only restore UEFI to UEFI and non-UEFI to non-UEFI.

    Sorry I don't have better news.

  • Hi,

    Cross platform restore (UEFI to classic BIOS or classic BIOS to UEFI) is not supported by SSR 2013.

    You can only restore Recovery Points from one UEFI server to another UEFI server.




  • Thanks It's a big problem to a restore plan. Must have another same server with UEFI bios :o(
  • Hi,

    Just wanted to check if there is any specific need to restore on BIOS mode servers? I believe most of the server hardware support both BIOS and UEFI modes.



  • Hi, Can i restore my SSR image with UEFI on virtual server. I tried and don't work Or how to prepare my virtual server? Thanks