Forum Discussion

Tim_Frodermann's avatar
9 years ago

System Recovery 2013 R2 SP3



SP3 for SSR 2013 seems to be out since July, but still it does not show up in Live Update.

Is there a reason for that?


Thanks in advance!



P.S: Also, if somebody could enlighten me regarding posting to this forum. My posts are encircled by a dotted red line and are marked "unpublished". Somehow days later they are automatically published. I must do something wrong. Thanks (written 10/07/15)

2 Replies

  • Tim,

    The decision was made not to place SP3 on LiveUpdate.

    You can download/install it manually here:

  • Hi Tim,

    When red dashed lines are around your post it means that it is unpublished.  Perhaps you are new to the site or may have cut and pasted some content.  As community manager, I'm reviewing the unpublished posts and publishing if apprpriate.  Feel free to private message me with the link to the unpublished post and I can publsh for you.