Forum Discussion

zdb's avatar
Level 2
18 years ago

Will not back up to external drive on a different server

I want my destination drive for Server1 sys recovery bkup to be on an external drive which is attached to Server2, which is in the same location, right next to Server1.  From Server1 I am able to map the external drive on the Server2, manually copy files to Server2's external drive, and access the mapped drive normally.

I can set up the system restore from Server1 to Server2 and get no warnings or errors, BUT, the Progress and Performance NEVER moves beyond 0% and Drive Backup stays at 'waiting'. 

I've got no problem running a Server2 sys recovery bkup from Server2 to that same external drive.

Any Ideas?  One important point, I'm using the System Recovery Option, and not the stand alone version.   Symantec Sales told me was just like the stand alone version, but I've learned it is actually a 'watered down' version.

1 Reply

  • Hello,
    Try each of the following:
    System Variable
    Create a new system variable (it's important that it's a system variable) as follows:
    Rigt-click "My Computer" and choose "Properties".  Go to the "Advanced" tab and click the "environment variables" button.  Under the "system variables" section (bottom section) click "New" and enter the following:
    Variable name: V2i_BUFFERED
    Variable value: "defined" (meaning you type tye word "defined" without quotes in the value space)
    After setting the above system variable, reboot the system.
    Ignore Bad Sectors
    If the above system variable doesn't help, try checking the "Ignore Bad Sectors During Copy" option under the advanced options portion of the backup job and then running the job again.