FAQ: How does DRA work?
Here is a question that the DRA product team received, and thought it would be useful to share the answer with the community:
How does DRA work?
Here is the answer from the DRA product team:
DRA eliminates the inefficient manual testing and DR audits that consume IT resources, yet still fail to uncover many critical risks, data protection breaches and recoverability gaps.
Ensuring your Business Continuity infrastructure will work when you need it begins with the seamless integration of DRA into your IT infrastructure. The software operates in a non-intrusive, read-only mode. Within the first day of deployment:
DRA begins scanning your storage, databases, servers and replication configurations for risks.
Automatic analysis tools and our powerful Gap Detection Engine identify vulnerabilities such as unprotected databases or database partitions, noncompliant replication configurations, data that cannot be recovered to a valid consistency point, and much more.