Knowledge Base Article

Solution for following problems: Replication paused due to error (secondary log error) / vxprint Disk state FAILING / RVG DISABLED and FAIL / Rlink state PAUSE



OS Version:        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)

SF Version:         5.0




Replication Status: paused due to error (secondary log error)

Disk State: State is FAILING in vxprint

Replication Volume Group: State is DISABLED and FAIL in vxprint

Replication Link: State is PAUSE in vxprint


[root@abc ~]# vradmin -g DG repstatus home-rvg

Replicated Data Set: home-rvg


  Host name:                   192.168.1.x

  RVG name:                   home-rvg

  DG name:                     DG

  RVG state:                    enabled for I/O

  Data volumes:               1

  VSets:                          0

  SRL name:                    home-srl

  SRL size:                      100.00 G

  Total secondaries:          1



  Host name:                    192.168.1.x

  RVG name:                    home-rvg

  DG name:                      DG

  Data status:                   inconsistent

  Replication status:          paused due to error (secondary log error)

  Current mode:                 asynchronous

  Logging to:                     SRL (1401015 Kbytes behind, 1% full)

  Timestamp Information:   behind by 1h 47m 49s


[root@abc ~]# vxprint

Disk group: DG



dg DG   DG             -        -        -        -        -       -


dm DG01 sdc          -        670990080 -       FAILING  -       -

dm DG02 sdd          -        20872960 -        -        -       -


rv home-rvg             -            DISABLED -        -        FAIL     -       -

rl rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg home-rvg CONNECT - -      PAUSE    -       -

v  home         home-rvg     ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-01      home         ENABLED  624951296 -       ACTIVE   -       -

sd DG01-01 home-01   ENABLED  624951296 0       -        -       -

pl home-02      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd DG02-01 home-02   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

pl home-03      home         ENABLED  LOGONLY  -        ACTIVE   -       -

sd DG01-02 home-03   ENABLED  512      LOG      -        -       -

v  home-srl     home-rvg     ENABLED  20971520 SRL      ACTIVE   -       -

pl home-srl-01  home-srl     ENABLED  20971520 -           ACTIVE   -       -

sd DG01-03 home-srl-01 ENABLED 20971520 0       -        -       -




First fix the state of disk from FAILING with vxedit command

[root@abc ~]# vxedit -g DG set failing=off DG01


Then fix the state of rlink from PAUSE to ACTIVE with vxrlink command

[root@abc ~]# vxrlink -g DG resume rlk_192.168.1.x_home-rvg


Lastly fix RVG state from DISABLED and FAIL to ENABLED to ACTIVE with vxrvg command

[root@abc ~]# vxrvg -g DG start home-rvg


Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0

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