Forum Discussion

Stephen_Bausch's avatar
17 years ago

Adding new tape drive causes Backup Exec to fail with CRC errors

I support a large number of small business clients.  We are having problems with several clients after installing new tape drives for them. 
First of all we are running Backup Exec 11d version 7170 with the latest device drivers installed.
Lets look at one situation in particular.
The client was running a VXA 2 tape drive and it was working correctly.  Based on size concerns, that tape drive was removed and a Tandberg LTO3 was added to the system.  All jobs were re-targeted to the new tape drive.  The Tandberg LTO3 was setup to use the Symantec tape drivers. 
Since the drive has been installed some of our backups fail with CRC errors.  This seems to be a typical backup failure message.
Job ended: Friday, February 29, 2008 at 9:32:36 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe00084ec - Error reading/writing data from/to the media.
Final error category: Backup Media Errors
Some jobs continue to work, but some fail.  In all instances some data is written to tape.
We have seen this problem happen for 4 seperate clients.  Two running Backup Exec 11d, and two running 10d.  Three of the problem drivers were Tandberg LTO2 drives and one was a Tandberg LTO3. 
In the troubleshotting process we have tried the following procedures:
1.  Deleted the old backup jobs, and created new backup jobs.
2.  Deleted the drive from the new drive from the system and reinstalled the drive back on the system using Symantec drivers.
3.  Deleted and reloaded the Symantec Drivers.
None of these steps have resolved the problem.
What has resolved the problem is re-installing Backup Exec.  In each instance when we re-installed the application the tape drives started to function properly.  Since we support a large number of clients with Backup Exec, we do not want to have to re-install the product each time there is a tape drive upgrade.  Any thoughts?
Stephen Bausch
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