Forum Discussion

415921071's avatar
20 years ago

Alpha suppoprt

I had to upgrade Backup Exec so that I could back up our new Exchange 2003 server. However as we are migrating I still need to back up the Exchange 5.5 server. This is running on Windows NT 4.0 SP6a Alpha platform.

Question is can I back up this server? Because I am having problems at the moment. I understand that there is not an agent for Ver 9.1 for Alpha. Can I back up the server without an agent (agentless backup) or do I have to have an agent.

If Win NT is still supported, why is not supported on Alpha

I am in trouble here! Please help.

Eddy Knopper

4 Replies

  • No you need a remote agent on the server running Exchange 5.5 to successfully back it up.

    You will find there is no support for the Alpha platform in 9.1 because it has not been supported by MS since 31-Dec 2001 - you cannot expect a software supplier to support a package on a platform that is not supported.
  • Hi Eddy,

    You cannot perform an agentless backup.

    You need to purchase an extra licence for backing up your new Exchange 2003 server.

    Please note:-
    You will find; there is no support for the Alpha platform in 9.1 because it has not been supported by MS since 31-Dec 2001.


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