Forum Discussion

Moopere-P's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

BE v15 SBE - turn off 'fast incremental' backups for Hyper-V?

As per the suggestion here:

I am posting in the hope that there is a registry or BE .ini file hack that can force the turning off of the 'fast incremental' backup feature introduced in FP3 and turned on by default in FP3 that causes the creation of snapshots on Hyper-v hosts.

The instruction for turning off this feature which is here: doesn't work for the v15 SBE edition ... presumably because BE is not recognising the special SBE agent as being able to backup Hyper-V VM's.

Its increasingly looking like I am going to have to uninstall BE and reinstall in order to skip straight to FP4 which doesn't turn this 'feature' on by default - a big job, really rather not do that if it can be avoided.


Anyone have the inside scoop on BE configuration files?

4 Replies

  • As far as I can tell that is held inside the database itself - and as customers are not encouraged to edit the database content, tech support are not allowed to provide the specific details. Only mentioning this to save anyone spending a lot of time searching the registry or the file system for something that is not there.


    As per my comments to you  in the other thread, SBE edition is EOL as of FP1 and if you changed to Capacity Lite you would probably see the setting in the console. I suspect that we did not think to code the Faster vs Standard setting visibility against SBE, as it was EOL before FP3 was released.

  • Its a bit naughty though, to do this.  I mean, though I was aware that SBE was EOL as a product, I did assume that support would continue through the life of the v15 product cycle (just that there wouldn't ever be a v16 version).  To back up this assumption it should be noted that 'liveupdate' presents FP4 as a viable upgrade to SBE v15.





  • Support is continued via Capacity Lite and you should be eligible for the replacement licenses - but you do have to speak to customer care about that.

  • Unfortunately Capacity Lite isn't a drop in replacement for SBE - its quite restrictive, this is the nature of the very product (ie; capacity!).  I do have the crossgrade licence offered, but only for 1TB of capacity.