Forum Discussion

Mike_LaPorte's avatar
20 years ago

BEWIN 9.1.4691 Email notification stopped

Hello - I've a win2k box with 9.1 running on it for almost a year now. After a reboot (now several reboots) 2 weeks ago the email notifications stopped. When i test I get a message that says "message has been queued for delivery".

I see no action on my smtp gateway from this server. Any thoughts on what I can test, where to look for the queued emails on the drive, or any info to help diagnose?



1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Check the following.

    - Go to Tools | Configure E-Mail and Pager Notification and verify if the "default Sender" is correctly configured.

    Additionally refer the following technotes.

    Troubleshooting Simple Mail Transfer Protocol notification with Microsoft Network Monitor in Windows 2000

    How to test Simple Mail Transfer Protocol notification using telnet

    When using MAPI or SMTP notification to send a job log file after backup or restore operations, the email does not appear to be sent.

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