Forum Discussion

Suzanne__Morris's avatar
19 years ago

Completed status: Failed

After reviewing the failed job in Job Monitor, errors indicates the following:

Backup - \\SERVERNAME\D: Directory not found. Can not backup directory \sql2000 and its subdirectories.

My question is why does the status have to be Failed if all other servers and directories were backed up?

Is there something that I need to tweak in Veritas?

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    What are you backing up from the D: drive? Are you also backing up some directories or files that were deleted before but are present in the job selection?

    Refer to the following technotes in order to resolve the problem and have successful backups:

    Ttile:A backup operation fails with the error message: "Directory not found. Can not back up directory <\directory> and its subdirectories" or "The directory is invalid."

    Ttile: Job fails with the error: "Directory not found. Cannot backup directory \ and its sub-directories."

    Hope this helps. In case of more queries, revert to the forum with details.

    Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
