Forum Discussion

Shijo_Michael's avatar
20 years ago

Disaster Recovery

we are having a problem with IDR implementation in Transmed,Sql server
is not coming up on the recovered Server. We have tired all the
possible options. Can we get some assistance on this.

Following are the steps performed.

1, We installed Veritas on a Windows 2003 server as a member of the

"JDE" domain
2, We created a user called "vbackup" with all privileges which veritas


4,we did a online full backup of "Enterprise server" (The server which

they wants to recover)

In the very first time when we tried to boot from the IDR bootable cd(

we created this IDR ISO boot image after a successful full backup) ,
It was starting the first phase of copying of the windows 2000 advanced

server,after the restart it is not booting from the hard disk,giving a

blank screen,we tried all the available options.(we think this is

something related to recovery server),
At last we had created IDR diskette (6 floppy diskette + original

Advanced server CD) and we could do the successfull recovery,but after
the recovery the SQL server is not coming up,even though the original
Instance showing in the recovered server,

In the event viewer showing three application log error given below,

1, Event ID : 17055

17113 :
initconfig: Error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.)
opening 'G:\MSSQL\data\master.mdf' for configuration information.

Sql server installed on C: drive and the database in the G: drive,
but we found that after restore some of the *.mdf and *.ldf
(master.mdf,etc...) files was missing in the "G:\MSSQL7\data" directory
on the recovered server,

7 Replies

  • Hi there,

    This Disaster Recovery Shortcut link might help you:

    What does your full backup consist of?
    - Backup of SQL server using BEWS SQL Agent?

    You must have a backup of your SQL Database inorder to be able to recover it.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
  • Hi Ashutosh,

    I installed Remote agent for Windows in the SQL server(Enterprise Server),also i installed SQL Agent In the Media Server.
    I did a full backup (with all drives C:,D:,G:,etc...+ All SQL database ),

    pls give me the exact procedures for SQL server Disaster recovery.

    Pls help !!


    Shijo Michael
  • Since you have the OS back, have you tried a SQL Restore only?

    Did you use Shadow Copy to get the SQL databases? See

    if you used the SQL Agent see
  • Hi there

    i cannot use Shadow copy Because the Sql server is not running on in Windows 2003 server,it is a Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

    Regarding Master database Recovery ,
    After the Disater recovery no SQL service Starting at all,
    we need to reinstall SQL server?and do the Master databse Recovery?
  • Hello,

    Normally, recovering SQL Server after a complete Disaster Recovery requires
    two steps: Recover SQL Server’s System Databases and then recover the User
    databases. With Backup Exec 9.x, this is reduced to one step: Recovering
    the User databases. Backup Exec backs up the system databases during file
    backups as off-line files (system databases are usually small) and the IDR
    option restores them – allowing you to skip a step in the disaster recovery
    process and save valuable time.
    Hence, the only step left is to restore the suser databases. To do this,
    the Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server option must be installed on
    the media server in order to perform a complete SQL Server database
    recovery. After using Intelligent Disaster Recovery to recover the Windows
    server, IDR automatically replaces the damaged master and model databases
    with copies of the master and model databases. SQL is restarted and the
    latest master database backup and all other system databases are restored.
    You must still restore all user databases after completing the IDR Recovery.
    Hope this clarifies.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • Hi there,

    i am still struggling with SQL disaster recovery,

    here the server details,

    1) I wants to recover the server is
    windows 2000 advanced server+sp4 + MS SQL server 2000 + Backup exec remote agent for windows

    2) My media server is windows 2003 + Veritas Backup exec 10.0+Advanced open file agent+sql agent+IDR agent installed.

    when i took the online full backup ,i selected all the drives + all sql database

    my problem is when restoring from the online full backup,some data base files are missing (master.mdf,masterlog.ldf,etc....) ,its showing like Master$4IDR ,masterlog$4IDR,etc....

    then i tried with sql database restore ,it is also not successfull because SQL service is starting up.

    so ,if possible,can u explain how take the full online backup before creating IDR file.

    should i take backup of all the drives + Sql databases
    i need to select only the drives.(without SQL database which is detected by Veritas media server)

    Also, should i need to select the the advanced open file option when i taking a online full backup,

    please help,

    Shijo Michael
  • Hi,

    Please refer the Admin Guide for the detail information on restoring SQL Database and preparing for Disaster Recovery of SQL 2000

    VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 10.0 for Windows Servers Administrator's Guide (English)

    Preparing for Disaster Recovery of SQL 2000 : page no. 1096

    Disaster Recovery of SQL : page no. 1097

    For any further query please revert.

    Thank you.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.