Forum Discussion

adam_staub's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

IDR error 0x3

Trying to run an IDR restore. Setup a redirected restore job with the proper credentials. I'm restoring the C drive and system state. The server is a win 2003 box. The dialog box says that the restore completed successfully. The media server logs also say the restore was successful. However, when I press next the IDR wizards errors with: Can't restore system HIVE. 0x2

4 Replies

  • Hi the best way around this is to re-make your bootable cd and choose the option to put your asr files onto floppy disk. i had the same problem so i tried that option and my server was up and running in 30 mins
  • Hello,

    Are you restoring to the server with different hardware?

    Please specify the exact error message.

  • Manual Restore method to different hardware. It did work using version 10.

    I'm restoring a windows 2003 box using the remote IDR method. However, I'm getting: Error loading the system hive of the restored system. Error Code: 0x3 after the restore. All indications are that the restore is successful. I'm restoring the C drive and shadow copy/system state. I'm using the latest patched version of 11d. Just as an aside, the process worked in 10d. Below is a bit of the wizard.log:

    : The worker thread ended
    : Log: Entering DissimilarSystem::Initialize()
    : Log: Entering DissimilarSystem::LoadRegistryHives()
    : RegLoadKey failed with Error Code: 0x3
    : DissimilarSystem::Initialize() - Return Code:
    : Error loading the system hive of the restored system. Error Code: 0x3