Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • if it is full, it is non-appendable because there is no room on the tape to append data.

    In that case, all you can do is either re-label/quick-erase, or overwrite, all of which will cause data to be written from the beginning of the tape
  • well since i am not an IT expert i thought all settings were set to rewind and overwrite after 5 days of protection
  • Do you have more than one tape that you swap evryother week?

    If so, check the properties of the media set and set the OPP (Overwrite protection period) to 9 days. This way when the new tape is loaded, backupExec should accept it with no intervention on your part
  • we have 15 tapes that are rotated every day with the setting of the 5 days and then it should be free to write to them again i thought.... that is what the 5 days meant is that it protected it for 5 days only..... so out of all these tapes i have 3 that are not appedable and are full? so i go to properties to check settings can not change to appendable so all i was able to do was erase the tapes and make scratch media...... why does it fill up? thought it would write over old info when put back in over 14 days later? this has relay confused me

    thanks for your help Ken!
  • Again, if the tapes are full, no matter what the settings, they will not be appendable.

    Do you have all your jobs defined as "APPEND"? Normally, you have an Overwrite job that starts the tape, the Append jobs that follow and write to the same tape. If all your jobs are Append, try changing them to "Append, else Overwrite" This way, if an appendable tape is mounted, they will append.

    if they can't find an appendable tape they will try to overwrite. If you have a 5 day OPP and 15 days, this should work.

    If this is still clear as mud, let me know
  • Hello,

    Please check out the following documents as well:

    The basics of Advanced Device and Media Management for Backup Exec for Windows Servers

    An explanation of the "Overwrite Protection Period" and the "Append Period"