Forum Discussion

Dominique_K's avatar
18 years ago

No snapshot history

I have no snapshots being created on backup destination...

CPS error alert :

Failed to create snapshot on server 'NMKTBACKUPS', volume 'O:\' containing backup destination 'Backup Destination 9'.

Windows application error:

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be held during the shadow copy creation period on volume I:\. The volume index in the shadow copy set is 0. Error details: Open, Flush, Release, OnRun.

Has anyone had this happen to previously working jobs?

2 Replies

  • Hello,

    Please run the following command on the machine:


    Also, please check out for any errors in the event viewer!
  • I get the SAME exact Error and problem. When I run the command I get

    Microsoft Windows
    (C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\jsj>VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corp.

    Writer name: 'System Writer'
    Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}
    Writer Instance Id: {23df3717-bc1f-4364-9686-033767204e6a}
    State: Failed
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'MSDEWriter'
    Writer Id: {f8544ac1-0611-4fa5-b04b-f7ee00b03277}
    Writer Instance Id: {aeff4a89-6ee2-4117-b001-9c2c9c8504d0}
    State: Stable
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'Registry Writer'
    Writer Id: {afbab4a2-367d-4d15-a586-71dbb18f8485}
    Writer Instance Id: {256f48f0-39c9-4e52-93f3-4cfcf804d9d5}
    State: Stable
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'COM+ REGDB Writer'
    Writer Id: {542da469-d3e1-473c-9f4f-7847f01fc64f}
    Writer Instance Id: {a71fbd64-0d18-47e9-ad12-b932ad5a2138}
    State: Stable
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'Event Log Writer'
    Writer Id: {eee8c692-67ed-4250-8d86-390603070d00}
    Writer Instance Id: {47ceb81a-ebd6-4583-a0c2-db422c7fdaf5}
    State: Stable
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'BITS Writer'
    Writer Id: {4969d978-be47-48b0-b100-f328f07ac1e0}
    Writer Instance Id: {5a9792c1-c6a7-4735-8b57-ce84769e16d0}
    State: Failed
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'WMI Writer'
    Writer Id: {a6ad56c2-b509-4e6c-bb19-49d8f43532f0}
    Writer Instance Id: {4203d284-1272-40a5-b5ab-13490dc14142}
    State: Failed
    Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'IIS Metabase Writer'
    Writer Id: {59b1f0cf-90ef-465f-9609-6ca8b2938366}
    Writer Instance Id: {6a7abfa4-21e8-49c1-910b-e98df97363fa}
    State: Failed
    Last error: No error