Forum Discussion

Azat_Abdrakhman's avatar
19 years ago

Restore Oracle DB.

Good afternoon.
Our client has faced a problem of restoration of operative database Oracle. All operations and steps were carried out on a management of the manager (VERITAS Backup ExecTM 10.0 for Windows Servers Administrator's Guide p. 1353-1355). On the first step, restoration (Restoring the Archived Logfiles data), arises a mistake.
Restore- ACLE_151-1-3/ORA9C
Access is denied to Remote Agent
I ask the help.
P.S. Oracle 9.2 & Windows 2003 Server Std.

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Verify what rights the user has which you usefor your Oracle backups or restore. Please refer to the following technote for more information:

    Title : How to create an Oracle account and verify the permissions assigned for the Backup Exec Agent for Oracle


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