Forum Discussion

adrian_marsh_2's avatar
17 years ago

SBS Recover,licensing and upgrade


I've a SBS2003 server, with BackupExec 10.1d for SBS loaded by Dell before shipping.  The SBS server started life with just an internal DLT drive and I've recently just added a new Robotic unit to it. But I've a number of questions:
  1. Since I added the second drive unit in the robot (making 1 standalone + 2 robotic drives), BackupExec now complains about some licensing. I'll be in touch with our partner next week, but will BackupExec continue to function until I can sort it? Or will it stop working at some point?
  2. I'm using the robot to create an off-site copy of tapes. The SBS server contains *all* of the data (media server, SBS, email etc). So I'm wondering, when it comes to recovering, say after a fire and I've purchased new kit, how do I recover the server? (dont I need the BackupExec database to do the initial recovery?) - this is close to doing a media server recovery, but without any second server to provide the DB. I'm using IDR, but will this be enough to recover SBS + Backupexec ?
  3. I'll be shortly adding the SBS Transition pack to our server.  Will BackupExec care about that?  It effectively turns the SBS server into a "normal" 2003 server with Exchange and no limits. But will the licensing of BackupExec need to change?
  4. I'm planning on upgrading from 10.d to the latest version, is there an upgrade path? (I'm guessing yes..)



1 Reply

  • will BackupExec continue to function until I can sort it? Or will it stop working at some point?
    Should continue to work.  You will need an LEO (Library Expansion Option) if you library contains two drives.  The library itself and the first drive are covered by the base media server license
    So I'm wondering, when it comes to recovering, say after a fire and I've purchased new kit, how do I recover the server?
    See the Admin Guide  under Disaster Recovery 
    Will BackupExec care about that?  It effectively turns the SBS server into a "normal" 2003 server with Exchange and no limits. But will the licensing of BackupExec need to change?
    I've never come across this, but would think so, since BackupExec SBS can only be installed on an SBS OS
    is there an upgrade path? (I'm guessing yes..
    Certainly.  Just install on top of the old code