Forum Discussion

Gary_Karasik's avatar
20 years ago

backup job won't start if Mailboxes are selected


Although it says "Running," my nightly, full, BEWS 10 (fully patched) backup of my SBS2003) to my AIT library doesn't actually run if Exchange (2003) Mailboxes are selected. If left long enough (5 hours), it simply times out and self-cancels. If manually canceled, I get a "Job successful" email. If Exchange mailboxes are deselected, the job runs fine.

If Exchange mailboxes are selected, the job never pulls the tape out of the library slot and into the tape drive.

What can I do about this?


8 Replies

  • Hello,

    I would like to know since when this problem has started ?

    Did the backups used to run earlier ?

    Is Exchange 2003 installed on the same Backup Exec server or another system ?

    When the job doesnt run, are there any alerts shown in Alerts tab ?

    Waiting for your reply.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • >I would like to know since when this problem has started ?

    Two nights ago.

    >Did the backups used to run earlier ?


    >Is Exchange 2003 installed on the same Backup Exec server or another system ?


    >When the job doesnt run, are there any alerts shown in Alerts tab ?

    No, none.
  • Gary, perhaps while the job is running, double click on it in the job monitor and it will bring up the current progress screen. You should be able to see if any activity is happening, or if it is stuck on something you may see the mailbox, folder, or whatever as the current file. If it sticks there, then it will narrow the problem down a bit for you.
  • The job doesn't run at all. In the Job Monitor screen, it says "Running," but nothing is happening.

  • Hmm, well maybe launch sgmon.exe from the Veritas NT dirrectory and check the boxes so you can see activity on screen. Launch the job and see what SGMON reports for activity...
  • Hello Gary,

    Please install this Hotfix and let us know if this resolves your issue.

    10.0 5484 Hotfix 16 - Exchange Mailbox Backups (Backing up Microsoft Exchange mailboxes may cause the backup job to hang) *Requires Backup Exec 10.0.5484 Service Pack 1

    If you have not installed Service Pack 1, you will find the link for it under the Related Documents section in the above technote.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • I had already applied HF16, but I reinstalled it, and it fixed the problem. Thanks very much.
