Forum Discussion

10 Replies

  • Hello,

    As per your post, you want a SQL Script to be executed.
    Please refer the below mentioned procedure:

    This script can be executed using the OSQL utility that gets installed along with Backup Exec. Please refer the following steps to run the script:

    Create one file called sql.txt containing following,
    select ScriptID from Scripts where ( ScriptName like ''Duplicate%'' ) and ( ScriptType = 300 )
    begin delete from SetCopyScriptEntries where ScriptID = ScriptID end delete from Scripts where ScriptName like 'Duplicate%' commit transaction

    1. Create a text file for the SQL script named Sql.txt on the root of C: (where C: is the drive where Backup Exec is installed)
    2. Go to the Command Prompt.
    3.Change directories to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Bin Folder on the media server.
    4.Run the following command:

    osql -S \bkupexec -dbedb -E -i C:\sql.txt

    NOTE: The computer name is the media server name and "<>" are not to be included in the command.

    For more information on the OSQL Utility please refer the following link:

    Hope this helps you.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • WAIT!!!!!!

    Phone support is saying this is not the correct script.

    I will post what I know when support calls me back.
  • Grant, out of curiosity, what error are you getting when you attempt to run duplicate jobs manually?

    In BE9 I used to be able to re-run any duplicate by hand if the job failed. Since upgrading to v10 this has not been possible. I have raised this with Veritas Support who's response was that re-running duplicate jobs manually is not a supported way to do this (despite it working in v9).

    I have been advised that to run a duplicate job manually, I have to create a new duplicate job and select the appropriate backup sets to duplicate.

  • Hello,

    Did you get the correct script. Can you let me know what was the output of the script that I sent you.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • Ross,

    see the Document refrenced on first thread, it will explain my problem (error message) exactly.

    I will post the fix (script) as soon as phone support calls me back.


    your script did not complete with a "no begin transaction" error, or somthing like that. There was also a typo when you used "Duplicare%" instead of 'Duplicate'
  • Hello,
    when you say phone support we assume that you have opened a voice case with the veritas phone support.
    Can you please let us know if you want to keep this Post open, if you have opened a voice case....
    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.
  • I am still waiting for Phone Support to call back with a solution : (

    I did however workaround my own problem by re-creating all my jobs using policy based backups. This seems to have everything working as it should. Both sched and manual duplicate to tape is now working as expected.

    This is not a fix but it works.