Forum Discussion

Ricardo_Wagemak's avatar
18 years ago

NetBackup 5.1.5 - failing to mount media.

I created a new policy using a existing volume pool, but everytime I try to run this new policy it tels me that it fails to mount media as it is in a down drive or moved.

The tape is there, no drives are down, and I have already deleted and re-enventoried the robot again.

I am trying to use the scratch pool but it just will not mount the tape.

Master / Media Server Windows 2003, NBU 5.1.5

hoocked up on a unix acsls server.

All other old policies work fine, just not the new ones.

Any ideas will be great.

Many Thanks


8 Replies

  • I also noticed that if i tried to mount a tape now via robtest I get the following message.

    m RM2072 0,0,0,4
    Mount failed: STATUS_VOLUME_IN_USE

    Used by whom?

  • Ricardo,

    What is the volume or tape number its trying to mount?

    Look for it in the Media and Device Manager window, then click media, shuffle by media numeric value, then scroll down and see if you can find the offending volume, if you find it then look at the Robot type, Volume Group and Volume Pool. make sure that this tape is in the correct listings, for example.

    robot type = TLD
    Volume Pool = 00_000_TLD a "-" means the tape is not in the robot or not scanned into the database
    Volume Pool = Netbackup

    If all looks good try to eject the tape.

  • Sometimes this happens when the library thinks the tape is someplace it isn't. Try opening the library door or what ever in order to get the library to take an inventory. At the robtest level it is no longer a Netbackup issue since you are only dealing with the library and it's contents ie tapes, drives, slots.
  • >
    > I am trying to use the scratch pool but it just will
    > not mount the tape.

    Sounds like you have assigned SCRATCH as the volume you get a message something like "invalid volume pool...not more unassigned media".

    You cannot specify SCRATCH as a volume pool in a policy - even though it lets you!! - it wont work. SCRATCH is a special pool, a reserve of tapes for other pools to use as needed. You need to specify another of your pools and tapes will get taken from the SCRATCH pool as and when required.
  • By result of robtest, it seems there are something wrong in ACSLS, LibAttach, or other applications co-work with ACSLS. I guess STATUS_VOLUME_IN_USE is returned from ACSLS.

    Do other policies work fine even now?
  • can you eject that tape from the library? Try that, will prove that acsls can phydically locate and manipulate the tape. If it cant then it may be the case that the tape is errant in acsls.... for some reason...
  • James you where correct in your last statement, the problem was on the ACSLS database, it got corrupted and it marked all tapes as absent, and I only discover that when I tried to eject the tapes like you suggested.

    The acsls database was rebuilt and the problem whent away.

    Thank you all!
  • Ricardo,
    You can award points to James by simply clicking on the "correct" tab at the top right side of his post.
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