Forum Discussion

Hannible's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

Why bpcd and pbx_exchange.exe is using port 1098


recently we had faced an incident that both bpcd and pbx_exchange were using Port 1098, which led to other Application getting conflicts while reaching the server,

we need to know why the netbackup services got engaged to 1098, while they have their default Ports.

please Suggest.

5 Replies

  • How was is determined that Netbackup suddenly used port 1098 ?

    Netbackup uses port 1556/13724 exclusive for client connections

    Port 1098 is a IANA reserved for Java JMI activation., mening no application will use this port unless it uses Java JMI.

    • Hannible's avatar
      Level 4

      Hello Nicolai,

      Please Find the attached ports reservation output at Client Server.

      since user applications ment to utilize 1098 failed due to unavailability of port. on the Client server.

      it was reported that backup services are using the port.




      • Nicolai's avatar

        This does look a bit strange, but the screenshot is incomplete, so I cannot say for sure. Can you please post the full Netstat.

        Is the screen shot taken from a client or Netbackup master/media client ?

        One thing I noted from the screen shot, is that the port is bound to the lookpback interface 1270.0.0.1 - this interface is not reachable from the network, but is used for internal communication.

        From my own Linux test box :

        Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
        Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
        tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
        tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED

        Last line does not indicate NBU is occupying 58843 - it is just the source port, what is important is the destination port (1556). the source port can be whatever the host decides it to be.

        Think the destination port as a telephone number, 1556 is the number for NBU services, but it can be called from what ever number is available to make the call.

        Please also verify somebody didn't change the default port as Marianne pointed out.