Forum Discussion

MSDI's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

bpduplicate and bpverify no backup backupid


I have a backup script that needs to be done manually.

I use bpbackup and specify a keyword using the "-k" parameter

After, I need to duplicate the job, but there is no "-k" parameter so the only way I found to find the job to duplicate is to use the "-hoursago" as I want to duplicate only the last one, not all of them... Is there another way I didn't in the manual ? Can't believe they didn't use the "-k" switch

Same apply to the bpverify

All other commands I use bpexpdate, bprestore do support the keyword

Anyone have an idea on how to find the actual backup I need to duplicate and bpverify ? (I already used the name, client, server, type, copy number, policy, etc but since I have more than one using all these "filters", the only one left is the "hours ago" since I can't use the backup id

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

2 Replies

  • I belive you can find the backup image ID using bpimagelist command like this : 

    bpimagelist -hoursago 24 -keyword "xxxx" | grep IMAGE | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $6 }'

    This is done UNIX command line - you should be able to do the same in power shell.

    Command does :

    • list all images the last 24 hours with that specic keyword
    • Only look at lines starting with IMAGE (grep IMAGE)
    • show the last line from bpimagelist  (tail -n 1)
    • Print field 6 from the last line (awk '{ print $6 }')



  • If you know that a specific image has a specific path or file in it, then as you loop around the images, and have the date time, then you could do a bplist for the specific file, and you find it then you know which image to restore.